====== Compiling Avidemux ====== This article contains information on generally compiling Avidemux, from the SVN repository or from tarballs, for your operating and some custom choices for the compilation. There are general guides, package descriptions and specific information for some Linux distributions that need specific compilation switches to successufully create the program from source. ===== Information on the compilation ===== To compile Avidemux, you will need to have the necessary dependencies met. Namely, you will need to install (or have already installed) several development packages. Here is a list and brief description of the packages: ==== Mandatory packages ==== * **SpiderMonkey**: Needed for scripting (only for Avidemux versions up to 2.3). * **GTK+**: Avidemux 2.1-2.3 needs GTK+ 2.6 or newer. That includes also pkg-config, that might be a separate package. Avidemux 2.4 or newer can be built with GTK+, Qt 4 or commandline user interface. The GTK+ version needs GTK+ 2.10 or newer, including Cairo. Some older Linux distributions (e.g. Fedora Core 4) include older GTK+ versions, without Cairo. * **libxml2**: XML library, version 2. Used for filter descriptions and ~/.avidemux/config. * **GCC**: Source code compiler for Avidemux to be created with. ==== Optional packages ==== Audio: * **libmad**: MAD is needed for MP3 and MP2 decoding. * **LAME**: MP3 audio encoding. * **libvorbis**: Vorbis audio encoding and decoding. * **FAAD**: AAC audio decoder. * **FAAC**: AAC audio encoding. * **a52dec**: Audio decoding support for AC3 audio (DVDs & others). * **libdca**: Audio decoding support for DTS (DVD and others). Video: * **Xvid**: MPEG-4 SP/ASP encoder. * **x264**: MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) encoder. Miscellaneous: * **FreeType**: needed for the Subtitler filter. * **OSS**: Open Sound System. Linux kernel 2.6 and newer uses ALSA with optional OSS emulation. * **ALSA**: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. Direct ALSA sound output can be set in Preferences. * **SDL**: SDL can be used for audio and video output. Not needed on Linux and BSD. * **XVideo**: Hardware display acceleration (overlay) during playback. Lower CPU usage. * **ESD**: sound output daemon. Obsolete and not needed. * **aRts**: KDE 3.x sound system daemon. Not needed in KDE 4, not recommended. ===== General compilation instructions ===== This guide has information on compiling in two ways. The method for both is basically the same, with only one command change at the beginning to download from where you want. ==== Choosing what to compile ==== You have two choices for where you can download files to compile. - Download the latest stable tarball version from the [[http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1402|download page]]. This is the stable version for those who want a program that is mostly bug free and stable. - Download the unstable source files for the latest versions of Avidemux from the SVN repository. The SVN version is usually the latest development version which can contain some bugfixes and also new features. It is classified as unstable or testing, though it really is quite stable in general. Regardless, we do not recommend using the SVN version to do any work you care about saving - use the stable version from the tarball on the website for that. You can download the source code from SVN using this command: svn co svn://svn.berlios.de/avidemux/branches/avidemux_2.5_branch_gruntster/ ==== Compilation commands ==== cd avidemux (enter the source code directory) === CMake build === The 2.4 branch uses CMake as its primary build method. You can build Avidemux 2.4 or later using these commands in the source code directory: - cmake . (the dot is required) - make === Old method (Avidemux 2.3 and older) === - make -f Makefile.dist (this is needed if you compile the SVN version, not needed for the official release) - ./configure --with-jsapi-include=xxxx [[--with-newfaad|for Gentoo or Ubuntu]] (xxxx is the directory where SpiderMonkey is installed - you cannot compile Avidemux 2.3 or older without SpiderMonkey, version 2.4 does not require external SpiderMonkey anymore) - make (compile Avidemux) - make install (install Avidemux - you must be root, use the su command for that) Using the 'locate jsapi.h' command will usually find the directory you need with the jsapi.h file. If the locate command does not find it, you should update the location database with the command 'updatedb' and then re-try 'locate jsapi.h' command. Some people may not want to have all the feature for Avidemux compiled into their program. Here is a list of ./configure arguments to prevent features from being compiled: Audio * OSS: --without-oss * aRts: --without-arts * ESD: --without-esd Video * XV: --disable-xv ===== Linux distribution specific notes ===== ==== Debian (3.0 and beyond) ==== Currently there is no explicit guide for compiling the latest version of Avidemux from Subversion (SVN) in Debian. However you can follow the Ubuntu/Kubuntu SVN Compile guide on this same page generally with no changes to the process and you should be able to compile just fine. Avidemux deb packages for Debian can be found at [[http://debian-multimedia.org/]]. ==== Gentoo ==== You can get the necessary ebuilds for compiling Avidemux from the 2.3 subversion branch from the [[http://berkano.net/bits/2006/09/20/gentoo-overlay|Berkano Overlay]] (which includes a couple of other ebuilds that may be useful). For information on how to use third-party ebuilds read the [[http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Installing_3rd_Party_Ebuilds|HowTo]] on the Gentoo Wiki. Some Gentoo systems need the --with-newfaad argument with the ./configure stage of the compilation. ==== Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu ==== === General downloads for Ubuntu === Enable the universe in your apt-source list. From a root console or via sudo use nano/vim/gedit or whatever text editor you like to open: ///etc/apt/sources.list//. You should either have the "universe" enabled on one of your repository lines. After you have made sure the "universe" repository is enabled in your apt-sources file, from a root console or via sudo run this command: sudo apt-get update Next we will install the compile dependencies. Running this command line from the root console with either su or sudo will install many of the necessary dependencies for you to compile Avidemux with several extra features. sudo apt-get install automake1.9 g++ gcc liba52-0.7.4 liba52-0.7.4-dev libfaac-dev libfaad-dev libstdc++6 libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libsdl-console-dev libxv-dev pkg-config liblame-dev libmad0-dev libvorbis-dev libxml2-dev libxvidcore4-dev subversion The libmad0 may not be needed anymore, since I think they just changed statically added it to the most recent SVN. Regardless, it cannot hurt. === Download & compile === Go to the place on your system when you want to download the source files for Avidemux. Make sure that you have Subversion installed. If you followed the previous step, you should be fine. You can choose to use the stable 2.4 branch or the unstable developers 2.5 branch. Using a console as a normal user, run this command: svn co svn://svn.berlios.de/avidemux/branches/avidemux_2.5_branch_gruntster/ Now the source files for the latest version of Avidemux from the SVN repositories are on your system, in a directory usually called avidemux_2.x_branch (where 'x' is the specific version you chose to download) at your currect working directory. Move into that directory and create the configure script by running these commands: cd avidemux_2.x_branch #where 'x' is the specific version you chose to download make -f Makefile.dist After make is installed, from a run this command: make You now have a compiled executable file in avidemux_2.x_branch/avidemux called avidemux2_*. This is your new version of Avidemux. You may run it however you like or install it wherever you please. Optional: make install At this point you are done and all you need to do is from a console run this command: sudo make install ==== Red Hat/Fedora ==== Red Hat follows the general procedures for compiling but if you run into problems during the ./configure command, try using this variable: --with-jsapi-include=/usr/local/include/js For Fedora Core 5 install js and js-devel using yum: yum install js js-devel Then run configure with --with-jsapi-include=/usr/include === Compiling threadsafe SpiderMonkey === See the [[Compile_SpiderMonkey#Compiling_ThreadSafe_SpiderMonkey|Compiling SpiderMonkey]] article. === JSAPI compile problems === If you have problems compiling jsapi SpiderMonkey with Fedora, try doing this before you run the ./configure command: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/libjs.so" ==== Slackware ==== Slackware follows the general procedures for compiling but needs this in the ./configure command: --with-jsapi-include=xxxx where the xxxx should point to the Spidermonkey installation directory. The easiest way to get Spidermonkey installed on your system is to install the Mozilla Slackware package. This will install the appropriate js files to eg. /usr/lib/mozilla-1.7.13/ Additionally, the *js* files in Mozilla directory should be in your libpath (eg. /usr/lib), so simply symlink them to there. Done! Some Slackware users have reported problems with GTK+ compiling. We suggest trying to this option when you are compiling. It seems to help: ./configure --without-libsdl In case you get the following error during 'make -f Makefile.dist': aclocal:configure.in:117: warning: macro `AM_GNU_GETTEXT' not found in library *** Creating configure configure.in:117: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_GNU_GETTEXT you should install gettext-tools Slackware package. In case of an error during the 'make install': /bin/sh @MKINSTALLDIRS@ /usr/local/share /bin/sh: @MKINSTALLDIRS@: No such file or directory do the following: //to be filled in// ==== SUSE ==== This information is specific to SUSE version 10.1, but may work for other versions as well. It was tested using kernel 2.6.16, but may work for other versions as well. SUSE follows the general procedures for compiling but needs this in the ./configure command: --with-jsapi-include=/usr/include/js Be sure to install ALL developer RPMs (//packagename//-devel) of the libraries you want to use, specially SpiderMonkey. For 64-bit users, before you try to compile, you need to run to this command first: export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib64" ===== Microsoft Windows ===== This is a guide to building Avidemux from SVN in Microsoft Windows. It is intended for people who are familiar with compiling software but not necessarily using MinGW. ==== Prerequisites ==== === Mandatory === * Archive utility that supports GZ, JAR, TAR and ZIP formats, e.g. WinZip * 500MB free disk space (MSYS – 50MB, MinGW – 135MB, Avidemux – 315MB) === Optional === * Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 with Service Pack 5 **Note:** The following instructions are tailored specifically for Microsoft Visual(nbsp)C++ 6.0. If you wish to use a different version of Visual(nbsp)C++ you may need to rebuild the dependencies required by Avidemux. More information at [[http://msdn.microsoft.com|msdn.microsoft.com]]. ==== Build environment ==== === Download components === These components are necessary to build Avidemux on Microsoft Windows. ^Program ^Component(s) ^Example Filename ^URL ^ |MinGW |binutils |binutils-2.16.91-20060119-1.tar.gz |[[http://www.mingw.org/|MinGW website]] | |::: |gcc-core |gcc-core-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz |::: | |::: |gcc-g++ |gcc-g++-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz |::: | |::: |mingw-runtime |mingw-runtime-3.11.tar.gz |::: | |::: |mingw-utils |mingw-utils-0.3.tar.gz |::: | |::: |w32api |w32api-3.8.tar.gz |::: | |::: |MSYS |MSYS-1.0.11-2004.04.30-1.exe |::: | |::: |MSYS DTK |msysDTK-1.0.1.exe |::: | |Pkg-config | |pkg-config-0.20.zip |[[http://www.gimp.org/~tml/gimp/win32/downloads.html|Tor Lillqvist's GTK+ for Windows website]] | |TortoiseSVN | |TortoiseSVN- |[[http://tortoisesvn.net/|TortoiseSVN website]] | These components are only required if you wish to compile optional dependencies. ^Program ^Component(s) ^Example Filename ^URL ^ |Netwide Assembler |nasm |nasm-0.98.39-win32.zip |[[http://sourceforge.net/projects/nasm|NASM website]] | These components are only required if you wish to compile optional dependencies with Microsoft Visual C++. ^Program ^Component(s) ^Example Filename ^URL ^ |Microsoft Visual C++ 6 Processor Pack | |vcpp5.exe |[[http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/aa718349.aspx|MSDN website]] | === Install build environment === To build Avidemux on a Microsoft Windows operating system you will require MSYS and MinGW. MSYS is a Unix style shell environment for Windows. MinGW is a collection of header files, import libraries and GNU toolsets for producing native Windows programs. To download the Avidemux source code you will require TortoiseSVN, which is source control software. It is implemented as a Windows shell extension, which makes it integrate seamlessly into the Windows Explorer. == MinGW == - Extract the contents of each MinGW tarball (binutils, gcc-core, gcc-g++, mingw-runtime, mingw-utils, w32api) to a folder on your hard-drive, e.g. C:\Dev\MinGW. == MSYS == - Run the MSYS installer (e.g. MSYS-1.0.11-2004.04.30-1.exe) and follow the install wizard. Choose an appropriate destination folder, e.g. C:\Dev\msys. - Agree to the post install process. - State that MinGW is installed. - Enter the MinGW installation folder. - Run the MSYS Developer Toolkit installer (e.g. msysDTK-1.0.1.exe) and follow the install wizard. Choose the MSYS folder for the destination folder. == Pkg-config == - Extract the contents of the Pkg-config zip file to the MinGW folder. == TortoiseSVN == - Run the Tortoise SVN installer and follow the install wizard. === Install optional build environment === == Microsoft Visual C++ 6 Processor Pack == Install the Processor Pack only if you wish to compile optional dependencies using Microsoft Visual C++. - Run the Processor Pack installer and follow the install wizard. == Netwide Assembler == - Extract the contents of the NASM zip file to an appropriate folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\Nasm. - Make a copy of **nasmw.exe** and rename it to **nasm.exe** in the Nasm folder. (The optional components expect the filename to be nasm.exe but the Win32 version of NASM has a filename of nasmw.exe) - Copy **nasm.exe** to the MinGW **bin** folder. === Configure build environment === - Open the **profile** file in the MSYS **etc** folder with a text editor. - Add the following lines to the end of the file:export ACLOCALFLAGS="$ACLOCALFLAGS -I /mingw/share/aclocal/" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/mingw/lib/pkgconfig" - Save file and close editor. If you’ve installed the Netwide Assembler and wish to use Microsoft Visual C++ to compile optional dependencies, also follow these steps: - Start Microsoft Visual C++. - Choose **Options** from the **Tools** menu. - Choose the **Directories** tab. - Select **Executable Files** from the **Show Directories For** dropdown box. - Add the path for NASM, e.g. C:\Program Files\Nasm. === Downloading source code from SVN === The source code for Avidemux and some of its dependencies must be downloaded from subversion repositories. TortoiseSVN supports all subversion protocols. Follow these steps to download code from an SVN URL: - Open **Windows Explorer** and click on the C: drive with the right mouse button. - Choose **SVN Checkout** from the popup menu. - Enter the **URL of repository**, e.g. svn://svn.berlios.de/avidemux/branches/avidemux_2.3_branch/. - Enter a **Checkout directory**, e.g. c:\Dev\avidemux. - Click **OK** to download the source code. ==== Avidemux dependencies ==== === Download Dependencies === These dependencies are necessary to successfully build Avidemux. ^Dependency ^Component(s) ^Example Filename ^URL ^ |Expat v1 |expat |Expat.zip |[[http://www.jclark.com/xml/expat.html|expat website]] | |GTK+ |atk |atk-1.12.3.zip |[[http://www.gimp.org/~tml/gimp/win32/downloads.html|Tor Lillqvist's GTK+ for Windows website]] | |::: |atk-dev |atk-dev-1.12.3.zip |::: | |::: |cairo |cairo-1.2.6.zip |::: | |::: |cairo-dev |cairo-dev-1.2.6.zip |::: | |::: |fontconfig |fontconfig-2.3.2-tml-20060825.zip |::: | |::: |fontconfig-dev |fontconfig-dev-2.3.2-tml-20060825.zip |::: | |::: |freetype |freetype-2.1.10-bin.zip |::: | |::: |freetype-lib |freetype-2.1.10-lib.zip |::: | |::: |gettext |gettext-0.14.5.zip |::: | |::: |gettext-dev |gettext-dev-0.14.5.zip |::: | |::: |glib |glib-2.12.6.zip |::: | |::: |glib-dev |glib-dev-2.12.6.zip |::: | |::: |gtk+ |gtk+-2.10.6.zip |::: | |::: |gtk+-dev |gtk+-dev-2.10.6.zip |::: | |::: |libiconv |libiconv-1.9.1.bin.woe32.zip |::: | |::: |libpng |libpng-1.2.8-bin.zip |::: | |::: |libpng-lib |libpng-1.2.8-lib.zip |::: | |::: |pango |pango-1.14.8.zip |::: | |::: |pango-dev |pango-dev-1.14.8.zip |::: | |Libxml v2 |libxml2 |libxml2-2.6.27.win32.zip |[[http://www.zlatkovic.com/libxml.en.html|Libxml website]] | |Netscape Portable Runtime |nspr |nspr-4.4.1.zip |[[ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/nspr/releases/v4.4.1/WINNT5.0_OPT.OBJ|Mozilla NSPR FTP site]] | |Pthreads-w32 v1 |pthread-win32 |pthreads-w32-1-11-0-release.exe |[[http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32|Pthreads website]] | |Spidermonkey |js |js-1.5.tar.gz |[[http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey|Mozilla Spidermonkey website]] | |Zlib |zlib |zlib123-dll.zip |[[http://www.zlib.net/|zlib website]] | These libraries are optional but enable Avidemux to have greater functionality. ^Library ^Component(s) ^Example Filename ^URL ^ |Aften |aften |aften-0.05-win32.zip |[[http://aften.sourceforge.net/|Aften website]] | |FAAC |faac |faac-1.25.zip |[[http://www.audiocoding.com/|Audiocoding website]] | |FAAD |faad |faad2-2.5.zip |::: | |LAME |mp3lame |lame-3.97.tar.gz |[[http://lame.sourceforge.net/|LAME website]] | |Libdca |libdca |libdca-0.0.2.tar.gz |[[http://developers.videolan.org/libdca.html|libdca website]] | |Ogg Vorbis |libogg |libogg-1.1.3.zip |[[http://www.vorbis.com/|Vorbis website]] | |::: |libvorbis |libvorbis-1.1.2.zip |::: | |Simple DirectMedia Layer |libsdl |SDL-1.2.11.zip |[[http://www.libsdl.org/index.php|SDL website]] | |::: |libsdl-dev |SDL-devel-1.2.11-VC6.zip |::: | |Xvid |xvid |xvidcore-1.1.2.tar.gz |[[http://www.xvid.org/|Xvid website]] | === Install Dependencies === == Expat == - Extract the files **xmlparse.dll** and **xmltok.dll** from the expat zip file to the MinGW **bin** folder. - Copy **xmlparse.dll** as **libexpat.dll**. == GTK+ == - Extract the contents of each zip file (atk, atk-dev, cairo, cairo-dev, fontconfig, fontconfig-dev, freetype, freetype-lib, gettext, gettext-dev, glib, glib-dev, gtk+, gtk+-dev, libiconv, libpng, libpng-lib, pango, pango-dev) to the MinGW folder. == Libxml2 == - Extract the contents of the libxml2 zip file to a temporary folder. - Move the libxml2 **bin**, **include** and **lib** folders to the corresponding MinGW folders. == Netscape Portable Runtime == - Extract the contents of the nspr zip file to a folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Copy **libnspr4.dll** from the NSPR **lib** folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. == Pthreads-w32 v1 == - Run the Pthreads-w32 exe to extract required files to a temporary folder. - Copy the contents of the **Pre-built.1\include** folder to the MinGW **include** folder. - Copy all **a** and **lib** files from the **Pre-built.1\lib** folder to the MinGW **lib** folder. - Copy all **dll** files from the **Pre-built.1\lib** folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. == Zlib == - Extract the contents of the zlib zip file to the MinGW folder. - Copy **zdll.lib** in the MinGW **lib** folder as **z.lib**. - Move **zlib1.dll** from the MinGW folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. == SpiderMonkey == - Extract the contents of the tarball to a folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Build Spidermonkey using Microsoft Visual C++ or MinGW: //Using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0:// * a. Open the **js.mak** file in the Spridermonkey **src** folder with a text editor. * b. Update the compiler options to refer to the Netscape Portable Runtime by replacing all occurrences of: CPP_PROJ= with (includes a trailing space): CPP_PROJ=/I c:\dev\nspr-4.4.1\include /D "JS_THREADSAFE" * c. Update the linker options to refer to the Netscape Portable Runtime by replacing all occurrences of: LINK32_FLAGS= with (includes a trailing space): LINK32_FLAGS=/libpath:c:\dev\nspr-4.4.1\lib libnspr4.lib * d. Save the file and close the editor. * e. Start a command prompt and run **VCVARS32.BAT** from the Visual C++ **bin** folder. "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\VCVARS32.BAT" * f. Change directory to the Spidermonkey **src** folder. cd\Dev\js\src * g. Run **NMAKE** on **js.mak** using the **jsshell – Win32 Release** configuration. nmake /f js.mak CFG="jsshell - Win32 Release" * h. Close the command prompt. * i. Start MSYS. * j. Change directory to the Spidermonkey **src\Release** folder. cd /c/Dev/js/src/Release * k. Using **pexports**, create a module-definition file for the newly created **js32.dll**: pexports js32.dll > js32.def * l. Use **dlltool** to produce a **libjs** import library. dlltool -d js32.def -l /mingw/lib/libjs.a * m. Move **js32.dll** to the MinGW **bin** folder. mv js32.dll /mingw/bin * n. Close MSYS. //Using MinGW:// * a. Create a text file named **makefile** in the Spidermonkey **src/fdlibm** folder. * b. Paste the following script into **makefile**: # Project: fdlibm CC = gcc.exe SRCDIR = /c/dev/js/src/fdlibm OBJECTS= \ $(SRCDIR)/w_sqrt.o \ $(SRCDIR)/e_pow.o \ $(SRCDIR)/e_sqrt.o \ $(SRCDIR)/k_standard.o \ $(SRCDIR)/s_atan.o \ $(SRCDIR)/s_finite.o \ $(SRCDIR)/s_isnan.o \ $(SRCDIR)/s_matherr.o \ $(SRCDIR)/s_rint.o \ $(SRCDIR)/s_scalbn.o \ $(SRCDIR)/w_atan2.o \ $(SRCDIR)/e_atan2.o \ $(SRCDIR)/s_fabs.o \ $(SRCDIR)/s_copysign.o \ $(SRCDIR)/w_pow.o \ $(SRCDIR)/s_lib_version.o LIBS = -llibm BIN = fdlibm.lib CFLAGS = -DJS_THREADSAFE -D_IEEE_LIBM -DWIN32 -D_WINDOWS -s .c.o: $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $*.c $(BIN): $(OBJECTS) ar r $(BIN) $(OBJECTS) ranlib $(BIN) * c. Make sure all indentations in the script are tabbed and not spaced. Also ensure **SRCDIR** is correctly set to the Spidermonkey **src\fdlibm** folder. * d. Create a text file named **makefile** in the Spidermonkey **src** folder. * e. Paste the following script into **makefile**:# Project: js32 CC = gcc.exe WINDRES = windres.exe RES = js.res SRCDIR = /c/dev/js/src OBJECTS = \ $(SRCDIR)/jsapi.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsarena.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsarray.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsatom.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsbool.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jscntxt.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsdate.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsdbgapi.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsdhash.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsdtoa.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsemit.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsexn.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsfun.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsgc.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jshash.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsinterp.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jslock.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jslog2.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jslong.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsmath.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsnum.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsobj.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsopcode.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsparse.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsprf.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsregexp.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsscan.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsscope.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsscript.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsstr.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsutil.o \ $(SRCDIR)/jsxdrapi.o \ $(SRCDIR)/prmjtime.o \ $(RES) LIBS = --add-stdcall-alias -lfdlibm -lnspr4 -L./fdlibm -L/c/dev/nspr-4.4.1/lib BIN = js.dll CFLAGS = -I/dev/nspr-4.4.1/include -DJS_THREADSAFE -DXP_WIN \ -DEXPORT_JS_API -D_WINDOWS -DWIN32 -D_MINGW -s DLLWRAP=dllwrap.exe DEFFILE=libjs.def STATICLIB=libjs.a .c.o: $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $*.c $(BIN): $(OBJECTS) $(CC) -shared -o $@ \ -Wl,--output-def,$(DEFFILE) \ -Wl,--out-implib,$(STATICLIB) \ $(OBJECTS) \ $(LIBS) $(RES): $(WINDRES) -i $(SRCDIR)/js3240.rc -I rc -o $(RES) -O coff * f. Make sure all indentations in the script are tabbed and not spaced. Also ensure **LIBS** and **CFLAGS** are correctly set to the appropriate Netscape Portable Runtime subdirectories and **SRCDIR** is correctly set to the Spridermonkey **src** folder. * g. Start MSYS. * h. Make the fdlibm library. cd /c/Dev/js/src/fdlibm make * i. Make the SpiderMonkey library. cd /c/Dev/js/src make strip –-strip-all js.dll * j. Move **js.dll** to the MinGW **bin** folder and **libjs.a** to the MinGW **lib** folder. mv /c/Dev/js/src/js.dll /mingw/bin mv /c/Dev/js/src/libjs.a /mingw/lib * k. Close MSYS. * ===Install optional libraries=== == Aften == - Extract the contents of the Aften zip file to a temporary folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Move the Aften **bin**, **include** and **lib** subdirectories to the corresponding MinGW folders. - Open the file **aften.h** in the MinGW **include** folder with a text editor. - Fix the incorrect usage of a reserved word by replacing: void *private; with: void *_private; - 5. Save the file and close the editor. If you prefer to use a DLL rather than linking to a static library, also follow these steps: - Start MSYS. - Change directory to the MinGW **lib** folder. cd /mingw/lib - Create **aften.dll** from the **libaften.a** static library. a2dll libaften.a -o aften.dll - Remove all unnecessary symbols from aften.dll. strip --strip-all aften.dll - Using **pexports**, create a module-definition file for the Aften runtime: pexports aften.dll > aften.def - Use **dlltool** to produce a Aften import library. dlltool -d aften.def -l libaften.a - Move **aften.dll** to the MinGW **bin** folder. mv aften.dll /mingw/bin - 8. Close MSYS. == FAAC == - Extract the contents of the faac zip file to a temporary folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Open the header files **libfaac\frame.h** and **include\faac.h** with a text editor. - Replace the following line in both files: #define FAACAPI __stdcall with: #define FAACAPI __cdecl - Save both files and close the editor. - Copy ***.h** in the FAAC **include** folder to the MinGW **include** folder. - Build FAAC using Microsoft Visual C++ or MinGW: //Using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0:// * a. Open the file **libfaac_dll.dsw** in the FAAC **libfaac** folder using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. * b. Add Source Files that are missing from the project and remove Source File that no longer exist (add kiss_fft\ kiss_fft.c, kiss_fft\ kiss_fftr.c). * c. Choose **Set Active Configuration** from the **Build** menu. * d. Choose the **libfaac_dll – Win32 Release** project configuration. * e. Choose **Settings** from the **Project** menu. * f. Choose the **C/C++** tab. * g. Select **Preprocessor** from the **Category** dropdown box. * h. Add **..\include** to the **Additional include directories**. * i. Click the **OK** button. * j. Choose **Build libfaac.dll** from the **Build** menu. * k. Close Microsoft Visual C++. * l. Copy **libfaac.dll** in the FAAC **libfaac\ReleaseDLL** folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. * m. Start MSYS. * n. Using **pexports**, create a module-definition file for the FAAC runtime: pexports /mingw/bin/libfaac.dll > libfaac.def * o. Use dlltool to produce a FAAC import library. dlltool -d libfaac.def -l /mingw/lib/libfaac.a * p. Close MSYS. //Using MinGW:// * a. Start MSYS. * b. Change directory to the FAAC **libfaac** folder. cd /c/Dev/faac/libfaac * c. Compile source code and link **libfaac.dll**. gcc –s –O3 –shared -I../include *.c -o /mingw/bin/libfaac.dll -Wl,--out-implib,/mingw/lib/libfaac.a –Wl,--add-stdcall-alias * d. Close MSYS. == FAAD == - Extract the contents of the FAAD zip file to a temporary folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Copy ***.h** in the FAAD **include** folder to the MinGW **include** folder. - Build FAAD using Microsoft Visual C++ or MinGW: //Using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0:// * a. Open the file **libfaad2_dll.dsw** in the FAAD **libfaad** folder using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. * b. Remove **dither.c** from the project as it no longer exists. * c. Update **libfaad2.def** to the following:LIBRARY libfaad2.dll EXPORTS ; ; libfaad exports ; NeAACDecOpen @1 NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration @2 NeAACDecSetConfiguration @3 NeAACDecInit @4 NeAACDecInit2 @5 NeAACDecDecode @6 NeAACDecClose @7 NeAACDecGetErrorMessage @8 NeAACDecAudioSpecificConfig @9 NeAACDecPostSeekReset @10 * d. Choose **Set Active Configuration** from the **Build** menu. * e. Choose the **libfaad_dll – Win32 Release** project configuration. * f. Choose **Build libfaad2.dll** from the **Build** menu. * g. Close Microsoft Visual C++. * h. Copy **libfaad2.dll** in the FAAD **libfaad\ReleaseDLL** folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. * i. Start MSYS. * j. Using **pexports**, create a module-definition file for the FAAD runtime: pexports /mingw/bin/libfaad2.dll > libfaad.def * k. Use **dlltool** to produce a FAAD import library. dlltool -d libfaad.def -l /mingw/lib/libfaad.a * l. Close MSYS. //Using MinGW:// * a. Start MSYS. * b. Change directory to the FAAD **libfaad** folder. cd /c/Dev/faad2/libfaad * c. Compile source code and link **libfaad2.dll**. gcc –s –O3 -DHAVE_MEMCPY=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 –DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -I"." *.c -shared -o /mingw/bin/libfaad2.dll -Wl,--out-implib,/mingw/lib/libfaad.a * d. Close MSYS. == LAME == - Extract the contents of the lame tarball to a temporary folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Start MSYS. - Change directory to the lame folder. cd /c/dev/lame-3.97 - Execute the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/mingw make make install - Remove all unnecessary symbols from libmp3lame-0.dll. strip --strip-all /mingw/bin/libmp3lame-0.dll - Close MSYS. == Libdca == - Extract the contents of the libdca tarball to a temporary folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Start MSYS. - Change directory to the libdca folder. cd /c/dev/libdts-0.0.2 - Execute the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/mingw make make install - Close MSYS. - Copy **dts_internal.h** in the **libdts** folder to the MinGW **include** folder. If you prefer to use a DLL rather than linking to a static library, also follow these steps: - Start MSYS. - Change directory to the MinGW **lib** folder. cd /mingw/lib - Create **dts.dll** from the **libdts.a** static library. a2dll libdts.a -o dts.dll - Remove all unnecessary symbols from dts.dll. strip --strip-all dts.dll - Using **pexports**, create a module-definition file for the dts runtime: pexports dts.dll > dts.def - Use **dlltool** to produce a dts import library. dlltool -d dts.def -l libdts.a - Move **dts.dll** to the MinGW **bin** folder. mv dts.dll /mingw/bin - 8. Close MSYS. == Ogg Vorbis == - Extract the contents of the Ogg and Vorbis zip files to the same temporary folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Build Ogg Vorbis using Microsoft Visual C++ or MinGW: //Using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0:// * a. Rename the Ogg folder to **ogg**. * b. Open the file **ogg.dsw** in the Ogg **win32** folder using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. * c. Choose **Set Active Configuration** from the **Build** menu. * d. Choose the **ogg_dynamic – Win32 Release** project configuration. * e. Choose **Build ogg.dll** from the **Build** menu. * f. Close Microsoft Visual C++. * g. Copy **ogg.dll** in the Ogg **win32\Dynamic_Release** folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. * h. Copy the Ogg **include\ogg** folder to the MinGW **include** folder. * i. Open the file **vorbis.dsw** in the Vorbis **win32** folder using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. * j. Choose **Set Active Configuration** from the **Build** menu. * k. Choose the **vorbis_dynamic – Win32 Release** project configuration. * l. Choose **Build vorbis.dll** from the **Build** menu. * m. Repeat steps j – l to build **vorbisenc.dll** and **vorbisfile.dll** using the **vorbisenc_dynamic – Win32 Release** and **vorbisfile_dynamic – Win32 Release** project configurations. * n. Close Microsoft Visual C++. * o. Copy **vorbis.dll** in the Vorbis **win32\Vorbis_Dynamic_Release** folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. * p. Copy **vorbisenc.dll** in the Vorbis **win32\VorbisEnc_Dynamic_Release** folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. * q. Copy **vorbisfile.dll** in the Vorbis **win32\VorbisFile_Dynamic_Release** folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. * r. Copy the Vorbis **include\vorbis** folder to the MinGW **include** folder. * s. Start MSYS. * t. Using **pexports**, create a module-definition file for the Ogg Vorbis runtimes: pexports /mingw/bin/vorbis.dll > vorbis.def pexports /mingw/bin/vorbisenc.dll > vorbisenc.def * u. Use **dlltool** to produce Ogg Vorbis import libraries. dlltool -d vorbis.def -l /mingw/lib/libvorbis.a dlltool -d vorbisenc.def -l /mingw/lib/libvorbisenc.a * v. Close MSYS. //Using MinGW:// * a. Start MSYS. * b. Change directory to the Ogg folder. cd /c/dev/libogg-1.1.3 * c. Execute the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/mingw make make install * d. Change directory to the Vorbis folder. cd /c/dev/libvorbis-1.1.2 * e. Execute the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/mingw LIBS="-L/mingw/lib –logg" make make install * f. Close MSYS. == Simple DirectMedia Layer == - Extract the contents of the SDL zip file to a temporary folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Start MSYS. - Change directory to the SDL folder. cd /c/dev/sdl-1.2.11 - Execute the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/mingw make make install - 5. Close MSYS. - If you prefer a Microsoft Visual C++ compiled runtime, extract **SDL.dll** in the SDL-dev zip file to the MinGW **bin** folder. Alternatively, compile the supplied **SDL.dsw** using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. == x264 == - Using Tortoise SVN, download the latest x264 source code from: svn://svn.videolan.org/x264/trunk - Open the file **configure** in the x264 folder with a text editor. - Update the following lines: if cc_check pthread.h -lpthread "pthread_create(0,0,0,0);" ; then pthread="yes" libpthread="-lpthread" to: if cc_check pthread.h –lpthread**GC1** "pthread_create(0,0,0,0);" ; then pthread="yes" libpthread="-lpthread**GC1**" - Save the file and close the editor. - Open the file **Makefile** in the x264 folder with a text editor. - Replace the following lines: libx264.a: .depend $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) ar rc libx264.a $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) ranlib libx264.a $(SONAME): .depend $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) $(CC) -shared -o $@ $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME) $(LDFLAGS) with: ifeq ($(SYS),MINGW) $(CC) -shared -Wl,--out-implib,libx264.a -o libx264.dll $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) $(LDFLAGS) else libx264.a: .depend $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) ar rc libx264.a $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) ranlib libx264.a $(SONAME): .depend $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) $(CC) -shared -o $@ $(OBJS) $(OBJASM) -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME) $(LDFLAGS) endif - Save the file and close the editor. - Start MSYS. - Change directory to the x264 folder. cd /c/dev/x264 - Execute the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/mingw --enable-pthread –-enable-avis-input --enable-shared make make install - Copy **libx264.dll** to the MinGW **bin** folder. cp libx264.dll /mingw/bin - Close MSYS. == Xvid == - Extract the contents of the Xvid tarball to a temporary folder, e.g. C:\Dev. - Build Xvid using Microsoft Visual C++ or MinGW: // Using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0:// * a. Open the file **xvidcore.dsw** in the Xvid **build\Win32** folder using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. * b. Choose **Set Active Configuration** from the **Build** menu. * c. Choose the **libxvidcore – Win32 Release** project configuration. * d. Choose **Build xvidcore.dll** from the **Build** menu. * e. Close Microsoft Visual C++. * f. Copy the **xvidcore.dll** file from the Xvid **build\Win32\bin** folder to the MinGW **bin** folder. * g. Copy the **xvidcore.dll.a** file from the Xvid **build\Win32\bin** folder to the MinGW **lib** folder. * h. Copy the **xvid.h** file from the Xvid **src** folder to the MinGW **include** folder. //Using MinGW:// * a. Start MSYS. * b. Change directory to the Xvid **build\generic** folder. cd /c/dev/xvid-1.1.2/build/generic * c. Execute the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/mingw make make install * d. Close MSYS. ==== Build Avidemux ==== - Using Tortoise SVN, download the latest Avidemux source code. Alternatively, download and extract the latest Avidemux source code tarball. - Start MSYS. - Change directory to the Avidemux source code folder. cd /c/dev/avidemux - Execute the following command: make –f makefile.dist If make fails with an **AM_GNU_GETTEXT** error, execute the following commands: cp ./m4/*.m4 /mingw/share/aclocal make –f makefile.dist - Run **configure** referencing the Spidermonkey **src** folder and then perform a **make**: ./configure –-with-jsapi-include=/c/dev/js/src make - The make will fail. Run the make again but capture the output to a text file. ./avidemux/dolink - Open the **dolink** file in the Avidemux **avidemux** folder with a text editor. - Remove all lines from the file apart from the one starting with: /bin/sh ../libtool - Include **.\xpm\adm.o** in the list of library object files. This will add the avidemux icon to the resulting executable. - Move all **–l** parameters to the end of the line. - Add the following parameters to the end of the line: -llibxml2 -lwinmm -lwsock32 - The final result should look something like this:/bin/sh ../libtool --silent --mode=link g++ -g -I.. -I../ADM_lavutil -IADM_library -I../ADM_library \ -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -g -O2 -mno-cygwin -mms-bitfields -O2 -falign-loops=16 \ -o avidemux2.exe \ -L/mingw/lib \ \ guiplay.o gui_savenew.o gui_navigate.o gtk_gui.o callbacks.o \ avilist.o main.o prefs.o ADM_guiBitrate.o ADM_pp.o ADM_memsupport.o \ gui_autodrive.o GUI_jobs.o ADM_dialog/DIA_quota.o \ ADM_lavcodec/libavcodec.a ADM_lavcodec/libpostproc/libpostproc.a \ ./ADM_script/libADM_script.a ./ADM_editor/libADM_editor.a \ ./ADM_library/libADM_library.a ./ADM_openDML/libADM_openDML.a \ ./oplug_ogm/liboplug_ogm.a ./ADM_audiocodec/libADM_audiocodec.a \ ./ADM_audio/libADM_audio.a ./oplug_avi/liboplug_avi.a \ ./oplug_mp4/liboplug_mp4.a ./oplug_mpeg/liboplug_mpeg.a \ ./oplug_mpegFF/liboplug_mpegFF.a ./ADM_mplex/libADM_mplex.a \ ./ADM_lavformat/libADM_lavformat.a ./ADM_lavutil/libADM_lavutil.a \ ./ADM_lvemux/libADM_lvemux.a ./ADM_filter/libADM_filter.a \ ./ADM_video/libADM_video.a ./ADM_encoder/libADM_encoder.a \ ./ADM_codecs/libADM_codecs.a ./ADM_vp32/libADM_vp32.a \ ./ADM_audiofilter/libADM_audiofilter.a ./libtoolame/liblibtoolame.a \ ./ADM_gui2/libADM_gui2.a ./ADM_libswscale/libswscale.a \ ./mpeg2enc/libmpeg2enc.a ./ADM_liba52/libADM_liba52.a \ ./ADM_libMad/libADM_mad.a ./ADM_inpics/libADM_inpics.a \ ./ADM_3gp/libADM_3gp.a ./ADM_avsproxy/libADM_avsproxy.a \ ./ADM_matroska/libADM_matroska.a ./ADM_asf/libADM_asf.a \ ./ADM_h263/libADM_h263.a ./ADM_nuv/libADM_nuv.a \ ./ADM_ogm/libADM_ogm.a ./ADM_audiodevice/libADM_audiodevice.a \ ./ADM_xvidratectl/libADM_xvidratectl.a ./ADM_requant/libADM_requant.a \ ./ADM_ocr/libADM_ocr.a ./ADM_mpegdemuxer/libADM_mpegdemuxer.a \ ./ADM_audio/libADM_audio.a ./ADM_toolkit/libADM_toolkit.a \ ./ADM_dialog/libADM_dialog.a ./libMpeg2Dec/liblibMpeg2Dec.a \ ./ADM_tray/libADM_tray.a ./ADM_colorspace/libADM_colorspace.a \ ADM_lavcodec/libavcodec.a ./ADM_lavutil/libADM_lavutil.a \ ./ADM_lavcodec/libpostproc/libpostproc.a ./ADM_library/libADM_library.a \ ./ADM_toolkit/libADM_toolkit.a ./libass/libass.a \ ./xpm/adm.o \ \ -luuid -ljs -lfontconfig -lmp3lame -lvorbis -lvorbisenc -lfaac -lfaad \ -ldts -lxvidcore -lpng -lx264 -laften -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL \ -mwindows -user32 -lpthreadGC1 -lgtk-win32-2.0 -lgdk-win32-2.0 -limm32 \ -lshell32 -lole32 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangowin32-1.0 -lgdi32 \ -lpangocairo-1.0 -lpango-1.0 -lcairo -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 \ -lglib-2.0 -lintl -liconv -lgthread-2.0 -lfreetype -lz -llibxml2 \ -lwinmm -lwsock32 - Link Avidemux2.exe and strip all unnecessary symbols. cd avidemux dolink strip –-strip-all avidemux2.exe - Run avidemux2.exe avidemux2