You need a recent version of automake and autoconf.
You need to install the “gettext-dev” package
One of two things happened.
./configure --with-jsapi-include=xxxx --with-newfaad
This is needed for the linux distribution of Gentoo and Ubuntu.
Some people have mentioned problems compiling Avidemux with GNU compilers of version the 4.0 series. If you have any problems with cputest.o or MM_MMX, MM_MMXEXT, MM_SSE, MM_SSE2, MM_3DNOW, MM_3DNOWEXT, try using a GNU gcc/g++ compiler from before version 4.0.
If the ./configure command fails with the message saying “Cannot open gtkxxx”, it usually means that pkg-config/GTK+/GLib is not installed or configured properly.
You should make sure that you have pkg-config, pkg-config-dev, libgtk-dev, and glib-dev (or libglib-dev) packages properly installed so that you can compile with them.
If the compilation fails at the link stage with JPEG MMX, you need to find the file “”. (It is often in /usr/lib/ or /usr/local/lib). From the console you can use the 'find' or the 'locate' commands to find it. Once you have found the file, open the file in a text editor and look at it.
If you see this line of code in the file:
dependency_libs=' -L/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/mjpegtools-1.6.0/jpeg-mmx -ljpeg-mmx'
Change it to:
If you have trouble with jsapi, one of two things has happened.
./configure --with-jsapi-include=xxxx [[-->with-newfaad|for gentoo or ubuntu]]
Using the 'locate jsapi.h' command will usually find the directory you need with the jsapi.h file. Replace the xxxx is the directory where jsapi.h is.