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Compiling Avidemux 2.6.x

Avidemux 2.6 is made of 3 components:

  • The core modules: A set of dynamic libraries hosting core components.
  • The application modules: GTK+, Qt(nbsp)4 and CLI variants.
  • The plug-in modules: Everything is a module in 2.6, so without plugins you can't do anything. The plugins either belong to the common part (they work with all UIs) or a specific part (they only work with one).

The simple way

Please look at the bootStrap.bash script that compiles, installs and builds automatically packages for Avidemux 2.6.

Packaging options

If you use --rpm, --deb or --tgz, bootStrap will automatically create the packages. Please note that they are incomplete (i.e. they do not contain proper dependencies and such). For RPM packaging, also note that the vanilla RPM as found in Fedora(nbsp)12 will not work (see cmake about that).


By using --with-xxx or --without-xxx, you can specifically ask bootStrap.bash to build or not parts of Avidemux.

The xxx list is as follows:

  • qt4: Build the Qt(nbsp)4 UI
  • gtk: Build the GTK+ UI
  • cli: Build CLI
  • core: Build core
  • plugins: Build plugins

Requirement list

For core modules

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev gcc g++ make cmake pkg-config libpng12-dev fakeroot

For GTK+

sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libglade2-dev

For Qt(nbsp)4

sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
build/install_2.6.1271486323.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/11/11 08:51 (external edit)