====== Video filter Logo ====== The Logo filter can be used to place a single bitmap on top of the video. ===== Bitmap format ===== Use a bitmap in JPEG format. The filter description says //Add a png as logo//, however when a PNG is used, it causes odd scanline artifacts. [[http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/index.html|Photoshop CS3]] (Windows) does not save in the correct JPEG format for Logo, loading one of these causes this error message: Wrong Colorspace Only YV12/I420 or YUY2/I422 JPegs are supported. [[http://www.xnview.com|XnView]] (Windows) does save the correct JPEG format for use with Logo. ===== Transparency ===== Logo does not support alpha transparency. The //Alpha// value is an overall transparency control... 255 is fully opaque, 0 is completely invisible, and values in between cause the bitmap to be partially transparent. The blending uses linear interpolation.