Mpeg4 ASP (xvid4) "Advanced Simple@L5" profile missing in 2.6.0 final

Started by fastleo63, September 10, 2012, 03:42:16 PM

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Does anyone know the reason why "Advanced Simple @L5" is not available ?

As far as I know this profile provides better quality than "Advanced Simple @L4" which is the max available with avidemux for Xvid.

I need to use Xvid which is the only codec really compatible with all TVs and DVD-Players USB input.

Thank you


Avidemux v2.6.18
Xvid v1.3.4


Older codecs like Xvid are not the target in the ADM 2.6 branch.
Originally Xvid wasn't even included.

Way back I asked for it to be added back in as I too had Xvid only compatible devices (not so anymore!).
Thing is that I often wanted to go "backwards" - from AVC to Xvid.

If you activities are entirely within the older codec domain (mpeg2 & mpeg4) then ADM 2.5 branch is the way to go.
You can run both versions along side (they are different programs under the hood!).


Xvid source knows nothing about an "Advanced Simple@L5" profile (it would be XVID_PROFILE_AS_L5 then). Simple profiles (without "Advanced") XVID_PROFILE_S_L4a, XVID_PROFILE_S_L5 and XVID_PROFILE_S_L6 are really missing.


Pity about using different terminology for the end user.
But Advanced Simple@L5 is what it is called in the encoding configuration dialog of the Xvid codec.

Don't know what the difference is between the L4 and L5 MPEG4 standards.
Suspect nothing much of consequence as IIRC ADM 2.5 defaults to L4 and has heaps of encoding options.

ADM 2.6 doesn't have all that much configurable options for the xvid codec anyway.
Not even sure if the choices of MPEG4 standard available are enforced (hence ADM 2.5 if working with older codecs!).


Quote from: AQUAR on March 27, 2017, 11:57:42 AM
But Advanced Simple@L5 is what it is called in the Xvid encoding configuration dialog.

What is "Xvid encoding configuration dialog"? edit: Avidemux uses the library. It can do only what the library supports.


Have a look at the Xvid configuration dialog in ADM 2.6 and you will that the OP is using the accepted terminology.

When you install the actual Xvid codec it comes with a configuration dialog.
That dialog includes Advanced Simple@L5, so it is available in the Xvid codec (and its core DLL).

No idea why ADM ignores that option but guess the default parameters for these 2 levels would give the same result (considering you can't change any of the encoding parameters in ADM 2.6).   


Quote from: AQUAR on March 27, 2017, 12:14:09 PM
When you install the actual Xvid codec it comes with a configuration dialog.

No, at least not on Linux. Please point me to the source of this dialog.

QuoteThat dialog includes Advanced Simple@L5, so it is available in the Xvid codec (and its core DLL).

No, it is not, easily verifiable by a brief look into the header file.


The Xvid encoder configuration dialog is usually accessible via your video processing software using VFW or DirectShow.
In the Mpeg4 days, the FFDSHOW direct show filter was quite popular.
EG FFDSHOW would simply pop up that Xvid configuration dialog if you wanted to encode with Xvid (ie xvidvfw.dll,configure).

Can't help you with the Linux way of these things, maybe Jan remembers MPEG4/Xvid frontends under Linux.

As far as I know this dialog enforces the selected MPEG4 standard/restrictions on the Xvid encoder.
The dialog includes "Advanced Simple@L5" so I expect it to be defined in these standards (its many years since I looked at this!).


Quote from: AQUAR on March 26, 2017, 11:58:28 AM
Older codecs like Xvid are not the target in the ADM 2.6 branch.
Originally Xvid wasn't even included.

Way back I asked for it to be added back in as I too had Xvid only compatible devices (not so anymore!).
Thing is that I often wanted to go "backwards" - from AVC to Xvid.

If you activities are entirely within the older codec domain (mpeg2 & mpeg4) then ADM 2.5 branch is the way to go.
You can run both versions along side (they are different programs under the hood!).


Is it possible that the xvid encoder frontend for Windows starts counting profiles at 1 instead of at 0? There are 5 advanced simple profiles supported by the xvid library, from L0 to L4.

grep XVID_PROFILE_AS_L /usr/include/xvid.h

Jan Gruuthuse

- Simple@L0 to Simple@L3 (4 profiles)
- Advanced Simple@L0 to Advanced Simple@L5 (6 profiles)
source: Profile @ Level

Has always been tricky (programming starts counting @ 0)
Humans think 0 is nothing and 1 = 1
computer 1st count = 0
computer 2nd count = 1

and when you're mixing the 2 together = trouble
same goes for arrays 1st array has counter @ 0


Whatever. As Avidemux is built against the xvid library, and the library supports only from XVID_PROFILE_AS_L0 to XVID_PROFILE_AS_L4, nothing can be done on Avidemux part, period.


"Whatever" isn't helpful to the OP.

The way I see it (as an end user - so might well be wrong) the various MPEG4 standards have nothing to do per se with the xvid library.
Each standard simply defines the boundaries permitted for the Xvid (MPEG4) encoding.

However, if I accept eumagga's input, it seems that the xvid core library contains default parameters for various levels except L5.
Perhaps Mean can confirm if this is the case.

Why no L5 - probably L4 is just enforcing a few worthwhile restrictions.