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italian translation

Started by messias, July 02, 2007, 09:46:54 AM

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Committed.  Thanks, our first Qt4 translation!

The next build should have most kinks ironed out.


a few errors in 3639 translation:

in the configuration windows of some video codec, some tabnames are not translated, some strings appear like this: QT_TR_NOOP(\"....\") or QTTRNOOP(\"....\"), and the two-pass tab (Xvid4) is not translated (qt4)

in \"Blacken Borders\" filter, strings are not translated (in both gtk and qt4)

in \"Deinterlace\" and \"Pal smart\" filters, \"Motion  Threshold\" is not translated (in both gtk and qt4)

\"Swiss Army knife\", \"Threshold\" and \"Particle List\" filters have some untranslated strings in gtk

in \"MSmooth\" and \"MSharpen\" filters, \"Ã\" is shown instead of \"à\" (qt4 italian translation)

in \"Animated menu\" filter, \"è\" is shown instead of \"è\" (qt4 italian translation)

in Threading preferences, \"auto-detect\" and \"custom\" are not translated (qt4)

qt4 buttons (Open, OK, Cancel) are not translated

i think that\'s all, you\'ve done a great work with qt4 translation  :)


Thanks again zoppo.

Tab names and threading preferences appear to be missing from your ts file.  Running lupdate should fix these.
Quotelupdate -noobsolete
You\'ll need to translate some of Qt for the OK/Cancel buttons, etc.  The translation file can be found in Qt\\4.3.2\\translations\\qt_untranslated.ts.  Take a copy of it as qt_it.ts.  QDialogButtonBox and QFileDialog are probably all that is required.  To test, copy the compiled qm file to Avidemux\'s i18n folder.

Everything else should be fixed in r3642.


Thanks, committed.

BTW, since you\'re on Windows a build environment is difficult to setup but you can still compile your translation to test it out.  The TS file needs to be tweaked before it is compiled to clean out the Context tag for strings not originating from a .ui file.  This is because at the moment we\'re forcing Qt4 translations to work in a similar way to Gettext to make life easier.  So...

1. Download libxslt from here: and unzip it somewhere
2. In Avidemux\'s po directory, run the following commands (or put them in a batch file):
c:\\libxslt\\xsltproc qt_filter_context.xslt avidemux_it.ts > avidemux_it.xml
c:\\qt\\4.3.2\\bin\\lrelease avidemux_it.xml -qm avidemux_it.qm
You\'ll need to change the paths according to your setup.


it worked! :)

there is just a little strange problem (also with svn 3658): if i release the .qm file as you say, the string \"Edit\" in the menubar is not translated.

on the contrary, if i use \'lrelease avidemux_it.ts avidemux_it.qm\' , it si translated (=\"Modifica\").


Interesting :/

I use Edit as a test at start up.  It\'s translation is logged to stdout.txt.  This must be throwing something off.

I\'ll check it out.


The translation test was confusing lupdate.  Running lupdate against r3660 should drag the Edit menu back into the TS file correctly and it will work again with the r3658 build.


Committed.  Thanks again!



Thanks.  Committed (r3772).

