Avidemux Forum

Avidemux => Windows => Topic started by: cammer78 on May 15, 2023, 02:45:15 PM

Title: A few lines of appreciation to the team
Post by: cammer78 on May 15, 2023, 02:45:15 PM
  I wanted for sometime now, to create a topic, to show in some way my appreciation to the makers of this excellent software. I am not a professional video editor as all i mainly do with Avidemux for many years, is to grab TS movies recorded from my TV, remove their pricky ads and join the two parts unedited in the same TS form. This is important to me.

  I tried various other programs over the previous years, that claimed they could do this and much more, freebies and not...... but seriously.. none, i say NONE could do it that well or so easy, not to mention that half of them, would often crash or ruin my test videos. Furthermore they would not just cut the part i want and join only, but they wanted to save in a totally other form, makin me wait 30min or 1h, for a few seconds save!!!!!!!!!! No to the hell no....  ::)

  I searched if there is a way to give a small amount of donation to those skillful people who created AND maintain this wonderful software, but i found no way to do so (or let me know how if there is any please), even if i am not rich, i am not ungrateful, not that they will be saved by me. Seems the only thing i could do, is this topic, where i could say..... a huge..... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU..........to those folks who solved the hands of thousands of users through their work.

  I wish you to always be well in your lives and find the patience and energy to keep maintaining this program for us, hopefully with some sponsors to back you up. Not sure i can say somethig more or better to show my appreciation so far, but all i can do, is only to direct people i meet to use your software ONLY and stop wasting time lookin for somethin better, as there is not (possibly)!!

To "eumagga0x2a" who tries to keep the forum in line.... i hope i did well to put this topic here, otherwise, move it where you think more suitable and i am sorry to put you in this small trouble.  :o