I have a question about Avidemux 2.8.1.
When editing a video, I set the View > zoom to 1:2 (50%) for my work. However, after finishing and restarting the program to load a different video file, the zoom level reverts to the default 67%.
Additionally, even when I start the program on my sub-monitor, loading a video file always moves the program to the main monitor.
These issues did not occur in version 2.7. Is there a setting I can change to fix this, or is this a specification of version 2.8?
Regarding zoom: works as designed. Zoom always defaults to 100% or the highest value which allows to fit video into available space, whichever is lower.
Behavior with a multi-monitor setup: cannot test due a single monitor available, help welcome.
The op is correct.
I tried 2.5.6, 2.6.8 64bit, 2.7.1 64bit, 2.7.6 VC++ 64bit, 2.7.8 64bit, 2.7.8 VC++ 64bit, 2.8.2 64bit 241212.
All versions from 2.7.6 and down have the default 1:2 zoom, which is really nice because the app doesn't suddenly enlarge, covering the folder I was working from.
All versions from 2.7.8 and up have the default 1:1 zoom, which is frustrating since I have to stop adding videos to resize the window out of my way. I don't know why anyone would want to have an app suddenly balloon out to cover everything on the screen, and with no option to stop it.
I used the same video, same pc, same monitor. The only difference is the versions, so the OP is perfectly correct.
Why it hasn't been fixed in 6 years is puzzling. Maybe it doesn't do that in linux?
I'd love to find a way to fix that. I searched the program folders and registry but can't find anything relating to zoom. I even tried switching the exe's from the 2.7.6 and 2.7.8 folders, but lots of errors were generated.
It seems like an easy fix would be to simply use 2.7.6, but unfortunately every version under 2.7.8 will not append H264 videos in copy mode without the resultant video being garbled even if the extradata is exactly the same.
Example: I encode AVI1 with H264 2-pass. I encode AVI2 with H264 2-pass. I then join the videos in copy mode. Result is garbled in versions less than 2.7.8, but not in 2.7.8 or greater.
Something big changed from version 2.7.6 to 2.7.8 that fixed the problem of joining videos but introduced the zoom problem.