disclaimer: This is probably a very big ask in regard of development hours.
I want to propose a feature, especially for encoding x265 video streams:
- Avidemux would have the ability to start as a service, or just a background task, doesn't need a gui. This mode should be used on secondary computers that is ready to take part of the encoding process, I just call this for "network server mode" as for now
- Avidemux should probably need to start in an extra - for the sake of argument I just call it "network-master mode" at the primary computer - where user use the gui just the same as in any other normal cases)
When Avidemux start in "Network-master mode" and Avidemux are started in "network server mode" on other computers on the local network, it should behave in the following manner:
- When started in server mode, the process will run a short benchmark - this will be used in order for the process on the main computer (Avidemux started in Network-master mode) to split up the encoding work in such a way that it attempt to assign an amount of encoding job to each server linear to each server benchmark score, the goal is so that all servers should make the assigned work done at approximately the same time.
- When started in "Network-master mode", it should look for Avidemux servers in the network. If no servers are found, then Avidemux should behave normally, but notify user that no servers found on the network
How much resources would it take in order to implement something like that ?