Avidemux Forum

Avidemux => Windows => Topic started by: fishingtested on December 03, 2024, 02:11:39 PM

Title: How to change the size and position of the video viewer in Avidemux?
Post by: fishingtested on December 03, 2024, 02:11:39 PM
How to change the size and position of the video viewer in Avidemux? I'm having trouble with the video viewer not being scaled to my screen size, making it difficult to edit videos. Is there a way to adjust the viewer to fit my screen without affecting the quality of the exported video?"

Problem details:

When I open a video in Avidemux, the video viewer is not scaled correctly, is cropped, or is too small, making it difficult to follow the editing process.
I've tried changing the settings in the Preferences menu, but there's no obvious option to adjust the viewer.
I need help understanding how Avidemux handles the video viewer and if there's any way to adjust the window size without affecting the quality of the exported video.
Looking forward to any help from the community!
Title: Re: How to change the size and position of the video viewer in Avidemux?
Post by: Geo_log on December 03, 2024, 02:25:55 PM
Try latest night build: https://avidemux.org/nightly/

Personally on Windows 11 I use the latest build (Avidemux_2.8.2 VC++ 64bits 240906.exe) from https://avidemux.org/nightly/vsWin64/ with option "Video display"=DXVA2 (Edit->Preferences->Display) and do not have any problem with "video viewer".
Title: Re: How to change the size and position of the video viewer in Avidemux?
Post by: eumagga0x2a on December 03, 2024, 05:27:03 PM
Quote from: fishingtested on December 03, 2024, 02:11:39 PMI need help understanding how Avidemux handles the video viewer and if there's any way to adjust the window size without affecting the quality of the exported video.

Quality of exported video has nothing to do with the window size or zoom level of the preview in Avidemux GUI.

The zoom level is chosen to be 1:1 if possible, else downscaled to keep window dimensions not too large (please see SHRINK_FACTOR in Q_gui2.cpp (https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2/blob/master/avidemux/qt4/ADM_userInterfaces/ADM_gui/Q_gui2.cpp)). To use the entire available area of the screen, maximize the window. Press 1, 2, 3, or 4 to force an integer zoom level (2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:4) or 0 to fit into window.

Pixels are always square in the preview (no anamorphic transformation is applied) and the orientation is shown as coded (no matrix transformation is applied). This is a design decision.

If you experience GUI controls being pushed out of the screen, disable automatic HiDPI scaling in the Qt toolkit (https://avidemux.org/smif/index.php/topic,20617.0.html).

By all means, please use the most recent 2.8.2 nightly build, it is orders of magnitude less buggy and more stable than the last release (2.8.1).