While encoding, click on: [Pause / Abort]
Quote10:21:43-980 [DIA_encodingQt4::pauseButtonPressed] StopReq
click on [Abort]
QuoteAlternate - "The encoding is paused. Do you want to resume or abort?": "Resume" or "Abort"
Alternate: the first option chosen
and encoding is always continued, you can't abort, whatever you click here.
Sorry, tunnel vision, missed that one yesterday. Should work now. Please pull the latest changes and rebuild.
Ah, we all have of those days.
Quoteframes: 6497 elapsed: 00:00:05,010
Alternate - "The encoding is paused. Do you want to resume or abort?": "Resume" or "Abort"
Alternate: the second option chosen
Yes, now it works, Thanks