Commandline 2pass with AVG bitrate

Started by mayday07, January 09, 2013, 11:52:39 AM

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I used to convert my movies from camera using avidemux for some time.
setting up all these options over and over again was annoying, so i decided to try CLI.

after reading manual pages and some forums i found out there are following options for avidemux CLI video processing:
--video-conf, set video codec conf (cq=q|cbr=br|2pass=size)[,mbr=br][,matrix=(0|1|2|3)]  (one arg)

in the GUI however i found the option (which i was using usually) to use 2 PASS, and set the AVG bitrate rather than file size.

Could anyone help me - how to make avidemux process video using 2PASS, and set AVG BITRATE?

Thank you.

so far my script is:

for fn in *.mp4; do
echo "Converting $fn to $avifn..."
avidemux --force-alt-h264 --load $fn \
--audio-codec MP3 --audio-bitrate 128 \
--video-codec x264 --video-conf cbr=1200 \
--save $avifn --output-format AVI --quit

(i need to replace cbr=1200 with something.......)