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Avidemux 2.6.x batch convert doesn't work

Started by yktan, March 02, 2013, 10:48:11 AM

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Hi, I'm trying to convert a bunch of mp4 files to avi (with Xvid video codec and MP3 audio codec). When start the encoding from command prompt, avidemux 2.6 seems to ignore my video and audio codec settings and just do a "Copy". Below is my batch script:

set processfolder=\avi
set avidemux="C:\Program Files\Avidemux 2.6\avidemux.exe"
set videocodec=Xvid
set audiocodec=MP3
mkdir %1%processfolder%
for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b /a-d %1`) do %avidemux% --video-codec %videocodec% --audio-codec %audiocodec% --force-alt-h264 --load "%1\%%f" --video-process --output-format AVI --save "%1%processfolder%\%%f.avi" --quit

I just downloaded avidemux version 2.5.6-1 and the above scripts works fine. Why is 2.6 ignoring my video and audio codec?

Jan Gruuthuse

Some stuff has changed. Offload settings from your command line. Set settings in avidemux GUI, save as project (Tinypy works the most) and load project on that commandline with --run
See wiki: Batch processing. And here for very basic sample: 2.6 audio track switching in
