Feature Request: xBR and xBRZ frame resize/upscale

Started by Mohsen, December 27, 2019, 09:55:54 PM

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There should be xBR and xBRZ "Resize Methods" or plugins in future Avidemux releases to enlarge pixel-art or videos of 2D retro games.

ffmpeg does support xBR frame upscale by using the following command...

4xEnlarge example:
ffmpeg -i input.png -vf "xbr=4" output.png

Here are some examples...

Original screenshot:

Nearest Neighbor upscale:

Lanczos upscale:

xBR upscale:

xBRZ upscale:


It is impossible to add xBR to the libswscale-based plugin. The feature is provided by a different library – libavfilter – not used by Avidemux. A capable developer would need to port the filter.