How to auto-reduce/disable "recent file" list?

Started by thoste, May 24, 2021, 09:05:20 AM

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Ok, I can manually clean the "recent video file list".

But is there a way to disable it completely (or at least reduce it to 1 file item or
auto-clean it at exit?


The recent files list is stored in the settings/config3 json file.

Making the length of the list user user configurable has been requested, but isn't yet implemented.

Currently the only way other to change the length would be change the value in the code and compile from source (it is hardcoded to 4).

if you don't need to change settings, maybe setting the config3 file to read-only could work (untested !!!). 



Quote from: butterw on May 24, 2021, 10:38:01 AMif you don't need to change settings, maybe setting the config3 file to read-only could work (untested !!!).

Nothing bad should happen except of modified preferences including the last used directory won't survive application restart (e.g. you cannot switch between hw accelerated and multi-threaded decoding as this requires restart of Avidemux).