
Video filter Subtitler

Subtitler is a filter that will burn into your video the subtitles you give it. These are hardcoded subtitles (often called hardsubs). These are not softsubs, and cannot be turned on or off. They are permanent. This filter is one of the more sophisticated.

Select the subtitle file

You need to set the subtitle file. On the top of the Subtitle filter window, on the second line from the top with the “Subtitle file” label, on the right hand side of the window click on the button with the open folder icon. Then use the file selector dialogue to choose the file. The supported subtitle types are the *.srt and *.sub formats files (autodetected).

Set the font

You must select a valid font file, otherwise the subtitles will not appear in the picture. You will need to have a copy of your font *.ttf file so that you can set the font file. On the top of the Subtitle filter window, on the second line from the top with the “Font (TTF)” label, on the right hand side of the window click on the button with the open folder icon. Locate the font .ttf file you want to use.

If you cannot locate a .ttf file, you can run a find command looking for files with the .ttf extension. In the case of Ubuntu, you can find some fonts located in:


The choice of what font to use is really up to you, but a generally good font is Bitstream-Vera-Sans. In Ubuntu, it is located here:



The default font color is white (hex code color #FFFFFF). You have the option of changing the color, though you do not have to.

On the left hand side of the window, about 5 lines from the top, there is a line with the “Select color” label. Click on the button next to it labeled “Select”. You can choose whatever color you want, then hit the “OK” button.


You can place the sub position inside the image using slider on the right side of the Subtitle window.


Daniel Lima added a couple of new features:

  • Autosplit(nbsp)(ndash) the line breaks will be ignored in most cases, and the lines will be cut to best fit onscreen.
  • Force Background(nbsp)(ndash) black background will be set below the subtitles. It can be useful to overwrite previous burnt-in subs.


Subtitles will only appear when using the “Preview filtered video in a new window” mode. They will not show when using the “Display filtered output in the main window”.

using/video_filter_subtitler.txt · Last modified: 2012/11/11 08:51 (external edit)