Problems with TS file processing (from AVERmedia DVR

Started by kevmeister, March 19, 2012, 11:04:35 PM

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I have been trying to use avidemux to process the output of my AVERmedia box. I provides a 1080p TS file with mpeg1-layer 2 audio. While the TS files play fine with avidemux, xine, mplayer, and totem, if I save a file to anything with either transcoding or just copy, the output has odd artifacts and the audio loses sync, often very badly.

The video presents itself like every frame was interlaced, even though the file is progressive. This is VERY visible when stepping through the video, but is obvious when just playing. I can see that every other line is offset by about 8 pixels.

I have tried processing the same files with ARCsoft Media Converter and it works perfectly. Unfortunately, ARCsoft has the user interface from hell, making editing extremely difficult and time consuming as well as other UI issues that make me really want to use avidemux. Not to mention that I will have to pay for it next week when the demo timer expires.  :-)

Any idea what might be happening here? I'm running r7719, so it is a bit old. I will try upgrading to a newer beta soon. Running on an AMD Phenom II X4 and Windows 7.


I shuld learn, but I probably won't. Just updated to r7784 and the problems have vanished!

Sorry for the noise.


We all like to hear when things work or something is odd.  I think r7745 was the last mostly stable point for a few weeks, until just recently when some new functionality started being merged in.