tivo mpg audio is out of sync

Started by videon8, May 14, 2012, 12:45:56 PM

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I have a tivo file that I decoded using tivodecode.  When I edit out the commercials the resulting audio is out of sync.  How can I fix this?  I should mention that I am not actually encoding the audio or video.  I am simply removing the commercials and exporting the video and audio streams as a copy.  All I do is specify a container such as mpeg-ts or mpeg-ps.  Is there a particular container I should be using?

Jan Gruuthuse

If content encoded in MPEG-4 or H.264 and not using 2.6: switch to this experimental avidemux 2.6.
Load content and cut only using keyboard up/down arrow. Mark A, Mark B (piece to cut out). [Ctrl][x]. Save video.


Can you send me a link for avidemux 2.6?  I can only see version 2.5.6 on the avidemux page.

EDIT: nvm, I think I found it here...  http://www.avidemux.org/smf/index.php?topic=10584.0

EDIT2:  Grrrr you beat me to it.  Fast reply!  Thanks!

Jan Gruuthuse


That version works perfectly!  No audio sync issues at all!  Is this version a major rewrite?  Whatever you guys did, it works great!  I'm using the Qt4 version and I noticed some of the filters I normally use are missing ( I use mplayer delogo filter sometimes).  I'm guessing this is because this version is in beta or something, right?  Either way thank you for the wonderful software.

Jan Gruuthuse

Yes, work still in progress.
All thanks to the code writers. Myself only a user of this great tool, can't agree more.


I know they say that you should never ask this but;  do you know how long before some of the missing filters are added?  In the Qt 4 version there aren't any sharpening filters.  Right now I'm only using avidemux for clipping out commercials so the missing filters are really no big deal, but I was just wondering.

Jan Gruuthuse

Is your lucky day: avidemux 2.6 r7943 seems filters are released. Thanks mean


Wow, thanks for updating that thread so quickly!  Do you make these packages yourself?  Is there a tutorial on how to make a .deb package that you could direct me to?  Thanks.

Jan Gruuthuse

Yes I'm compiling the nice work from the developers using svn to get the source and followed the instructions from the Avidemux wiki documentation: Compiling Avidemux 2.6.x