Status of Contour Jog Shuttle support

Started by zylantha, July 22, 2012, 06:20:06 AM

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When the 2.6 code was first released, I was massively excited to see Contour Jog Shuttle support code included.

Now that 2.6 is maturing to the point of almost being usable, I'm still a little disappointed to see that -
1. It's only in the GTK tree (no QT4);
2. It doesn't seem to work under GTK

Is this something that I can help to test / get working / ported to the GTK tree?

I have a Contour ShuttleXPress (aka CAVS SpaceShuttle A/V) - which is defined as a device in mediactrl.c.



Most of the code in 2.5 was done by someone who has such a device
I dont have one, and i dont think gruntster does
So if you have one and some time.... :)