Error reports, Request: Storing as image sequence, Suggestions: Audio "null",...

Started by douche, December 21, 2012, 05:02:30 PM

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Hey there.
1) "Save image as" does not attend the extension automatically (at least not for .bmp) - even though "save" (for video files) does!

2) mark the time (bottom left) and Strg+C "Oops, this function is diabled or no longer valid" in 2.6 (click right->contextmenu->copy works!)
In current 2.6.1 the error message is not displayed, but still the time is not copied to clipboard

would be great if avidemux could output not only a single frame but all (marked) frames (bmp, png, jpeg...). Maybe this feature is already there, but hidden?!. For single "save image as" it would also be nice to have png as well.

1) make "null" in Audio mode available just like in video mode. Audio->select track" and then unselecting all tracks is not easy to find, had to search quite some time...

2) rename this subforum. 2.6 is stable, right? :)

regards, douche

if the world doesn't end tonight :)


would be very nice to get some feedback.

Another "error": Video Decoder is Lavcodec and there is a "Configure"-Button, but it doesn'show anything, even though it is not disabled?!