Editing: Blank video but keep audio but in a section

Started by douche, August 10, 2015, 12:33:18 PM

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I still don't see that new filter in version 2.6.10 dated 150913...

But hey, it seems great! It definitely does what I need. Thanks!

(An obvious feature request is to let the user select the color, not just black. The filter could be called "Blank", and it would blank the video to whatever RGB value the user selected. But I don't need that, black is fine with me, I'm just guessing somebody would eventually ask for this.)

@mean: here is a suggestion to help make partial filters simpler to implement, in terms of user interface (I don't know about the rest):

1. In the filters dialog box, on the right (Active Filters area) include a simple checkbox saying "A/B".

2. If that checkbox is selected, that specific filter applies only inside the A/B segment as defined by the buttons in the main window. If not, the filter applies to the entire video.

If the user wants more than one type of filtering for more than one segment, he will have to save more than once, i.e., apply each filter by itself.

An alternative, if you prefer, is to use the opposite semantics: from now on, ALL filters apply only to the selected A/B segment. If somebody wants to filter the entire video, all that he has to do is select the entire video. Multiple saves would still be needed for different filterings of different segments.

All this would free you from the mess of programming a list of different segments.


If you use the 7zip file, it should work
The installers need to be updated
