[Gui] New Behaviour change of slider

Started by Jan Gruuthuse, January 20, 2016, 07:39:03 AM

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I've really never used the "Jog Wheel" to be honest.
Dragging the slider with << >> / <> gets me to the frames of interest.

But UHD with powerful codecs like HEVC or VP9 must be challenging for the way ADM currently works.

Will be interesting to see how mean develops ADM with these ever increasing complex and demanding video's.



Thanks, I'll check it out once the nightly for windows is updated.

Making the slider behaviour configurable during its beta development will be great for testing the "feel" of the operation.
I'll include the jog wheel in combination with the slider and see how that pan's out in terms of the user experience.



Settings it to 20ms makes it work as intented on VP9/Full HD video
i.e. it reacts instantly and it refreshes fast enough
Pref->Display->Refresh Cap

Jan Gruuthuse

Just tested with the biopshere & biopshere continuum (+- 8 GB filesizes)
- mp4 4K @ default setting 100 ms: great, just like I was using a 720p.
- webm 4K @ setting 20 ms: is doing fine, but slower as above.

So I'm ok with this result :) :)


Neither the slider or the jog wheel worked on the Google UHD VP9 sample.
Refresh rate setting 20 ms - but it's setting had no impact in getting anything on the display when dragging the slider.

I think it may be a tricky VP9 sample  that I am using to see how the new slider function works.
ADM reports no index frames in this sample even though there are some total scene changes in it (encoded entirely with slices!?).

Will have to get another VP9 UHD sample to check things out.


Looks good & great job with the youtube channel


BTW, if you feel so inclined, it would be helpful to have an "auto script" to preset everything for youtube/youtube HD/...
It's sort of python script, nothing to compile

Jan Gruuthuse

That could be useful for users and myself.