I can't download the 32bit version of 2.7.3

Started by abc123, March 25, 2019, 04:13:07 PM

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I tried to download the newer version of Avidemux. Firstly only the 64bit of Avidemux is available as 2.7.3, the 32bit is 2.7.2,  and secondly when I come to download the 32bit version, only the 64bit version is available to me.
Where I can download Avidemux 2.7.3 32bit?


Which Windows version do you run 32bit Avidemux on? The official win32 build node is kept around for the sole purpose of providing Windows XP compatible builds, their codebase is different from the one used to build the 2.7.3 release.

The 2.7.3 release addresses primarily the most urgent problems identified by field-testing the new Microsoft Visual C++ generated builds. The most notable not VC++ related change is the move to the current libavcodec audio decoding API which has finally fixed WMAPRO decoding. If you don't have files with WMAPRO audio tracks, you wouldn't gain much from a 2.7.3 win32 build.

If you wish, I could build and upload e.g. to WeTransfer a private 32bit Avidemux nightly off the ffmpeg4x git branch which is 2.7.3 + two rather important fixes. However, it won't run on Windows XP.


Judging by your post https://avidemux.org/smif/index.php/topic,18196.msg83208.html#msg83208, you have Windows 7. I've uploaded a private 32bit MinGW build, generated using the method https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2/blob/ffmpeg4x/cross-compiling.txt off the ffmpeg4x git branch at 0ec83347e268236109049fd038feeb2b07e20862 to https://we.tl/t-R8sswWFQkc. It doesn't need to be installed, just extract the content of the ZIP archive.

File size: 38454935 bytes. Checksums:

sha256sum avidemux_r190325-220314_win32Qt5.zip
5ddd4541e846ff3c529023b2bad27b1fde10c7dd8000ce8d1508caeec26c1260  avidemux_r190325-220314_win32Qt5.zip

md5sum avidemux_r190325-220314_win32Qt5.zip
6c05b9a1cad0cd87fb93a08ec886b22b  avidemux_r190325-220314_win32Qt5.zip