Request: More options for Ut Video Encoding

Started by childporn, March 07, 2023, 12:33:21 PM

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I am using Avidemux for mastering and proxies for video editing. But on a proprietary programs, it can support third-party codecs, but none of the features are present in Avidemux. Meanwhile, I use Avidemux for deinterlacing and tools for upscaling video.

The problem is that Avidemux cannot support RGB/444 output format for uncompessed video. Meanwhile, the Mjpeg Encoder options only support the YUV422 pixel format. I didn't use the Mjpeg Encoder because Quantizer had compression artifacts even at the highest quality.

Meanwhile, I need RGB/444 video output to prevent degradation/decreased video quality due to chroma subsampling.

It looks like the Ut Video repository (ffmpeg) is not updated? Even though the original developer already supports RGB/444 video output.


Avidemux can pass decoded pictures only as YV12 (planar 8-bit format with 4:2:0 chroma subsampling) to encoders, so hardly any point in supporting anything better on the part of encoders for now.

Please be assured of support for other formats being at the top of the nice-to-have list. This doesn't make it likelier to happen due to the extent of necessary changes to the codebase. Submitting patches does.


I think the support for encoding to RGB24/444 format is very important. Because I look in detail, YV12/4:2:0 image quality degradation occurs. I use it for archiving because export and transcoding always use the RGB24/444 format to prevent image quality degradation, regardless of whether the master video is still YV12. But in Avidemux it can't support export format RGB24 video encoding.


The difference between transcoding genenration 1 and 2 looks like wrong color range, at least at the first glance.

In any case, we need the real thing – the ability to pass pictures in formats without chroma subsampling from decoders along the filter chain to encoders.