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MKV leaving index files? (.idxb)

Started by blazini36, July 18, 2024, 11:18:21 PM

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I just had to reinstall the Avidemux qt5 git packages do to some dependency issue with it's AUR package (Arch Linux). Now I'm noticing that whenever I open an MKV file it will leave an index file inside the directory, just like mpeg files do. Is this some new behavior, or is something set funny? Not a fan of the index files if I can disable them.


Of course, this is intentional. Flushing the index to disk saves minutes of waiting when repeatedly opening large Matroska containers, please see for the way to disable the feature.


Also happens with MP4 files since few builds ago, super annoying, cant disable ?


Set environment variable ADM_NOINDEX_MP4 to 1 to disable loading and saving the results of decoding frame type in MP4 files. The feature saves sometime minutes of waiting when opening a large MP4 file with a H.264 video track a second time.


What would be nice if the application included the option to enter a folder location we can nominate, say in the Edit > Preferences > Output with the ability to either Not create an '.idxb' file, or store the file in the following temp location with an added option to delete the file after a month or other timeframe', or 'after the conversion is complete'.

Just a thought.


I just use a batch script (converted to .exe with an IDX icon) to quickly hide all IDX files, including any in sub directories.
Hidden IDX files offer the same benefits as unhidden versions, without the untidiness.
You can create another simple script to delete all hidden IDX files when no longer required.

Hide IDX files
attrib +h *.idx /s
Delete hidden IDX files
attrib -h *.idx /s
del *.idx /s


Quote from: eumagga0x2a on September 08, 2024, 02:09:35 PMSet environment variable ADM_NOINDEX_MP4 to 1 to disable loading and saving the results of decoding frame type in MP4 files. The feature saves sometime minutes of waiting when opening a large MP4 file with a H.264 video track a second time.

Can it be made so if file is < 20 MB or so, no such data is created?


Or can it be made into a preference saved in config3 instead of environment variable? Both for MKV and MP4. Min file size could be specified there too...


Quote from: Elstar` on September 27, 2024, 06:36:27 AMOr can it be made into a preference saved in config3 instead of environment variable?

This is the plan, pull request by szlldm waiting for action.