W11 - portable version 2.8.1 - self-terminates few seconds after GUI appear

Started by Grobe, January 07, 2025, 05:14:13 PM

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Have an W11 laptop and doesn't have admin privilegies, so using the installed version is not an option.
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I've using another computer for similar purpose, but having W10 - without any similar issues.

Attached the log file - are there a clear reason why this happens, and if so - can it help using a newer release of Avidemux - assume this is the most recent:



The last stable 2.8.2 cross-compiled (and thus available as a ZIP archive) nightly build is from Dec 12 (r241212). You have picked on the contrary the oldest one.

The attached incomplete log doesn't contain any clues why the ancient 2.8.1 VC++ release build, likely obtained from third-party repackagers, crashed.