DelogoHQ selection > Floating exception

Started by Edi, March 24, 2025, 09:26:50 PM

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After a recent update, Avidemux has been causing a core dump when I select a PNG mask.
Suggestions on a fix be great, otherwise is the extradataSize:0 a problem? And any advice which libraries decoderFFPng uses?

[initTextures] 20:13:15-131  Gl : Allocating context and frameBufferObjects
 [initializeGL] 20:13:15-131  [GL Render] Init successful
[ADM_QCanvas::initAccel] Init succeeded
 [ADM_coreCodecGetDecoder] 20:13:44-664  Searching decoder in coreVideoCodec(1920 x 1080, extradataSize:0)...
[lavc] Build: 3835492
 [decoderFFPng] 20:13:44-664  [lavc] Decoder init: AV_CODEC_ID_PNG video decoder initialized! (PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image)
[lavc] Destroyed
Floating exception (core dumped)


Does the issue persist for you with r241212 nightly from here, the latest known good nightly at the moment?