Avidemux Forum

Participate => Translations => Topic started by: Oleh on September 22, 2020, 07:01:41 AM

Title: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on September 22, 2020, 07:01:41 AM
In the attached file Ukrainian for Avidemux 2.7

I did not know in which branch to submit it. See image
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on September 22, 2020, 09:23:18 PM
Thank you, could you please provide the actual avidemux_uk.ts XML file, not an already compiled binary?
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on September 23, 2020, 06:20:03 AM
I downloaded avidemux 2.7.6 and the translation was based on ru.qm
For translation I used Qt Linguist under Windows.
in the attached zip file avidemux_uk.ts
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on September 23, 2020, 04:45:35 PM
Ukrainian translation added to repository: Add Ukrainian translation by Oleh, regenerate translation files (https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2_i18n/commit/4391aa58cafd16c67952a2fa17a7bcbddca41f0b). I fixed 4 occurences of translations containing only a line break and (a lot of) spaces, suspecting that they were introduced by a Qt Linguist bug, and dared to correct a tiny glitch (misplaces spaces) in the translation for "File %s was NOT saved correctly." and to copy translation of "Audio Size:" from obsolete CalculatorDialog to the encodingDialog context.

Thank you very much for your contribution.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on September 23, 2020, 05:30:11 PM
Thanks for fixing the bugs.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on September 26, 2020, 04:39:09 PM
This is an updated Ukrainian translation file.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on September 26, 2020, 06:41:29 PM
I've corrected two minor cases of excessive or misplaced spaces (lines 7077 and 8355) I spottet at the first glance before pushing the changes to the repository.

Thank you very much for the update.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on September 28, 2020, 07:19:25 AM
I found an error
Strong Intra Smoothing
in the string 11910
missing </translation>
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on September 28, 2020, 12:15:21 PM
Quote from: Oleh on September 28, 2020, 07:19:25 AMStrong Intra Smoothing
in the string 11910
missing </translation>

It is missing neither in the repository nor in my local clone (the compiler would also abort compilation if XML tags are messed up).

What is really missing, this is all the useful <translation type="unfinished|obsolete|vanished"></translation> hints which were present in the source .ts file but went missing in the submitted update. For now they are merely optional, and providing an empty translation for a string not marked as "unfinished" works fine if the source string is identical to its translation. I may be mistaken here, but AFAIR this is not given to stay this way and finished empty translations will be taken literally by future Qt versions.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on September 28, 2020, 04:38:10 PM
Sorry, but I don't know why?
I used Qt Linguist.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on September 28, 2020, 10:22:29 PM
I wish I knew exactly what causes this. I can only guess that either you work without giving Qt Linguist access to the full source tree or you use an old version.

Actually, I switched to Linguist from a plain text editor (vim) for translation only very recently. The Linguist version provided by my Linux distribution is 5.14.2. I've outlined the recommended workflow in https://avidemux.org/smif/index.php/topic,19122.msg88990.html#msg88990.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on September 29, 2020, 06:29:57 PM
Just to be clear: while disappearing translation type excites my curiosity, it is not really a problem. Relevant translations will be marked as "obsolete" and "vanished" at the next run of lrelease. 'type="unfinished"' for empty translations can be re-added by simple find-and-replace.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on October 09, 2020, 11:14:21 AM
I updated the Ukrainian translation and corrected some mistakes.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on October 09, 2020, 07:39:15 PM
Thank you, update aplied.

I wonder, why did you change the locale string? "uk_UA" was correct as confirmed by the output of

locate -a | grep uk
There have been some changes in the x265 GUI recently, but this one -

        <location line="+603"/>
        <source>Star Search</source>
        <translation>Почати пошук</translation>

- hasn't changed, it would be great if you could fix the translation (maybe some autocorrect feature has intervened, the English source string is correct, Google Translate suggests "Пошук у формі зірки", but it is Google Translate which cannot be fully trusted). Thanks!
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on October 11, 2020, 05:17:41 PM
I wonder, why did you change the locale string? "uk_UA" was correct as confirmed by the output of

I found the reason.
I updated Linguist to ver. 5.12, but in the program settings "country region" - was "any country". It changed uk-UA > uk.
Any country must be Ukrainian.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on October 11, 2020, 05:26:52 PM
In Ukrainian "star search" is translated not very clearly needs a synonym for star.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on October 11, 2020, 10:00:03 PM
I think, this explanation (https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1789660#post1789660) might help in finding a suitable description.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on October 12, 2020, 11:56:37 AM
Please see image.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on October 12, 2020, 01:22:07 PM
As mentioned earlier, there have been some changes to the configuration dialog of the x265 video encoder plugin. The vanished strings have been removed from the code. There haven't been any Windows nightly builds which would include these changes yet.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on October 15, 2020, 09:16:25 AM
I corrected the mistakes and updated the translation.

I did not know in which branch to submit it. See image
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on October 15, 2020, 07:28:38 PM
Thank you for the update!

@@ -12046,7 +12048,7 @@ If it is a system profile it will be recreated next time.</source>
        <location line="-1107"/>
        <source>Maximum Constant Rate Factor</source>
-        <translation>Фактор максимальної постійної частоти</translation>
+        <translation>Максимально-постійний коефіцієнт швидкості</translation>
        <location line="+2185"/>

Maximum CRF means here forcing the lower bound on quality (higher CRF = worse quality), Google suggests "Максимальне значення коефіцієнта якості". I don't know what particular use case was targeted by this combo box, probably the member "rfConstantMax" of the "rc" struct (in x265.h header), but it is not implemented, always disabled and thus does nothing (very confusing, indeed).

You screenshot depicts an old build of Avidemux (probably the 2.7.6 release). All translation work should be validated against the latest git master. There are no official nightly builds ATM which would reflect the recent updates to the x265 encoder plugin, but for other parts of the application, the latest build (currently from 2020-10-01) is mostly usable for validation.

Doing translation on Linux would make setup of all necessary tools and following the development almost trivially easy and remove dependency on supply of official nightlies.

The issue with (no) refresh of application window might be a bug in recent Qt versions on Windows (I don't experience it on Linux or on macOS), still hoping for a magical fix by a future Qt update before starting to look for a workaround.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: wvvwvwv on January 07, 2023, 08:49:58 AM
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on January 07, 2023, 11:44:57 PM

The proper way to contribute translations is to open a pull request on GitHub for https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2_i18n (https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2_i18n). If this is not feasible for you for some reasons, could you please zip the updated avidemux_uk.ts and attach it to your post instead?

It would be also lovely if you (minimally) introduce yourself rather than silently posting a link, thank you.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on November 10, 2024, 10:48:03 PM
I updated the Ukrainian.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on November 14, 2024, 11:02:48 PM
Thank you for the update. However, I would kindly ask not to run lupdate on your own but instead request a refresh of translation files to pick up recently added strings. If you see no other choice as to regenerate translation files yourself, please use the script qt_update_pro.sh (https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2_i18n/blob/master/qt_update_pro.sh) to ensure that lupdate is called with proper options.

Providing a translation file with a totally different order of entries makes it impossible to review changes:

git diff avidemux_uk.ts | wc -l

Yes, it doesn't break compilation. Yes, it looks good at the first glance. But I must be able to identify new and modified translations in order to use a contribution. I cannot accomplish this by seaching for a needle in a haystack of 24741 lines of diff output.

I'll regenerate translation files (using your update) ASAP in hope that this may reduce the diff.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on November 15, 2024, 01:43:46 PM
I haven't translated in a long time and I forgot that it was necessary to take the file from the source, and I took it from the folder of the program itself.  I made a translation, and then guessed to go to the source and discovered new lines, but I don't know how to bring everything to integrity.
Sorry, it's my mistake.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on November 15, 2024, 04:12:16 PM
I'll report the results with regenerated translation files here, it would be a pity to waste your effort as the translation looks quite complete. Please bear with me, might be able to find some time on Sunday.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on November 16, 2024, 11:45:47 AM
I fixed the uk.ts file. This is a better version try this file. There is an untranslatable line on the screen.
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on November 18, 2024, 06:44:49 AM
Fantastic, thank you very much, you saved me a lot of time and effort. I've pushed the update to the repository, didn't notice major issues. I'd have only two nits, maybe to be addressed in future updates:

1. Please don't hesitate to remove unfinished status from translations that you are confident about.

2. I am not sure that translation of "Bob" deinterlacing method is correct or even needed. It has nothing to do with "rolling" (believing Google Translate translating back from Ukrainian), the word denotes the artifact of stationary objects sort of wobbling up and down after this method has been applied.

The string "Duplicate first track's settings (https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2/blob/ee80e8313c7fa0fa0901153f3de347900d5d8c08/avidemux/qt4/ADM_userInterfaces/ADM_dialog/Q_audioTracks.h#L51)" will be picked up by lupdate once I finally regenerate translation files.

Best regards
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: Oleh on November 18, 2024, 06:32:37 PM
Finding a replacement for Bob is difficult.   It is possible descriptively. Artifact of wobbling = Aртефакт коливання або
Ефект коливання

In the case of "Bob deinterlacing":

If it refers to the undesired wobbling of objects, it is an artifact. (Артефакт коливання)

If it refers to the method itself and its intended outcome, it is an effect. (Ефект коливання)

Which is better, I don't know?
Title: Re: Translation Ukrainian
Post by: eumagga0x2a on November 18, 2024, 11:04:50 PM
Quote from: Oleh on November 18, 2024, 06:32:37 PMFinding a replacement for Bob is difficult.  It is possible descriptively. Artifact of wobbling = Aртефакт коливання або
Ефект коливання

If even the French don't translate (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9sentrelacement) "Bob" or "Bobbing" as deinterlacing method, the best course of action would be IMHO to leave this term untranslated. If it helps, another term for "Bobbing" is "line averaging" that really describes the method rather than its undesired side effect.