Avidemux Forum

Avidemux => Windows => Topic started by: JB on August 23, 2018, 03:58:53 PM

Title: AutoHotKey script to help quick derushing/snapshoting a video
Post by: JB on August 23, 2018, 03:58:53 PM
i've made this script to accelerate my use of avidemux. I move in the video with the cursor keys and i have added :

- warning french keyboard layout, you may have to change keys to suit your editing -

q,s,d : place A mark, place B mark, save automatically with incremental suffix number version with leading zeroes added (vid00.mkv,vid01.mkv etc)
w : export png and save automatically with incremental suffix number version with leading zeroes added (vid00.png,vid01.png etc)

f : reset to 0 the suffix numbers (snapshot image and sequence vid)

the script captures the key only when avidemux is the active window. It"s a bit hackey and if you go too fast the script may hang  but it"s reasonably efficient for me.

;------ copy paste in your autoHotkey.ahk (see autoHotkey doc) ----------

imageNumber := 0
sequenceNumber := 0

#IfWinActive ahk_exe avidemux.exe

MsgBox % " resetting indexes "
imageNumber := 0
sequenceNumber := 0

;save a video sequence with index
str := Format("{:02}", sequenceNumber)
clipboard := str
Send, {Ctrl down}s{Ctrl up} 
SendInput, {Right}{Ctrl down}v{Ctrl up}{Enter}
return  ; This ends the hotkey. The code below this point will not get triggered.

;save a png with index
str := Format("{:02}", imageNumber)
clipboard := str
Send, {Ctrl down}p{Ctrl up} 
SendInput, {Right}{Ctrl down}v{Ctrl up}{Enter}
return  ; This ends the hotkey. The code below this point will not get triggered.



Happy snapshoting ;)