Join images to video file - possible?

Started by dolufor, April 10, 2012, 08:30:25 PM

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I exported several thousand frames from 3ds max to .tga and want to create a video file (h264) out of them. First tga does not seem to work so I have to use jpg for importing in avidemux(?).

Ok anyway, according to google some guys mentioned avidemux could do this but I cannot find any option to do this or to import all those pictures.
Is it possible to do what I want or is there another program that can do this for me? I tried virtualdub but it cannot export as h264.

Thank you


I assume in your case the second method has to be applied.

If you have QuickTime Player Pro you just select File / Open Image Sequence.


Tried it with this script (no audio needed):

V=ImageSource("E:\renderoutput\sun_earth%04d.tga", 1, 1200, 25)

So it should import all files called sun_earth0001.tga to sun_earth1200 yes? Or is there anything wrong because then it gives me the following error:

AvsSocket Proxy, derivated from avs2yuv by  Loren Merritt Avs2YUV 0.24 ADM_1.2
Loading Avisynth.dll
Avisynth.dll loaded
Env created

> Exit Code: -1073741819


Any ideas?
Thank you


Quote> Exit Code: -1073741819
Means access violation crash. Which in 99.9% of the cases means bug in the program code.
I am away between 15th of May - 15th of June. (yes, I am playing D3)