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Crash on Save of unpacked VOP video

Started by ShadowCat8, September 21, 2012, 12:09:19 AM

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Been trying to get an .AVI video converted to something usable that was encoded with the infamous "Invalid and inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames".  If I try to play the video on a player that can even handle the video in that state (e.g. 'ffplay'), the video moves at insanely high speed while the audio plays at normal speed.  Windows Media Player won't even show an image from the video, and will just do it's artistic visualizations while the audio part of the file plays.

The video codec for the file is read as XVID by avidemux-2.5.4-r1 and it is able to unpack it and play it at a reasonable rate, though the sound drops out when it plays back unpacked in avidemux.  That doesn't bother me since I can take the sound out of the original and re-mux it later if I can just get the unpacked video saved. 

And, that is the core issue: When I try to save the unpacked video, avidemux crashes.  It crashes on any of the versions too; avidemux2_gtk, avidemux2_qt4 and avidemux2_cli.  Rather than post all of the output I have collected in regards to this issue, I will start by posting what seems to be the most pertinent; The "BACKTRACK" stack trace.  The following is from the crash from 'avidemux2_qt4' though the "GenericAviSaveCopyUnpack" portion seems to be in all of them:
PacketQueue AVI audioQ created
[AudioQueueThread] Starting
error :235
[ODML] using ODML placeholder of size 4096 bytes
[ODML] using ODML placeholder of size 4096 bytes
Second audio track absent
Saving crash file to /home/shadowcat8/.avidemux/crash.js

**Saving script project **
Conf size: 0

*********** BACKTRACK **************
/usr/lib64/ [0x7fdc69ca2b59]:0:<ADM_backTrack>:-2
avidemux2_qt4(_ZN12DIA_encoding6setFpsEj+0x51) [0x5056a1]:1:<DIA_encoding::setFps(unsigned int)>:0
avidemux2_qt4(_ZN24GenericAviSaveCopyUnpack10setupVideoEPc+0x19d) [0x493ebd]:2:<GenericAviSaveCopyUnpack::setupVideo(char*)>:0
avidemux2_qt4(_ZN14GenericAviSave7saveAviEPKc+0xb9) [0x48f529]:3:<GenericAviSave::saveAvi(char const*)>:0
avidemux2_qt4(_Z17A_SaveUnpackedVopPKc+0x64) [0x4694b4]:4:<A_SaveUnpackedVop(char const*)>:0
avidemux2_qt4(_Z6A_SavePKc+0x4a8) [0x469ab8]:5:<A_Save(char const*)>:0
avidemux2_qt4(_Z13A_SaveWrapperPc+0xe) [0x46367e]:6:<A_SaveWrapper(char*)>:0
avidemux2_qt4(_ZN15ADM_QT4_fileSel16GUI_FileSelWriteEPKcPFvS1_E+0x1e) [0x5325ae]:7:<ADM_QT4_fileSel::GUI_FileSelWrite(char const*, void (*)(char const*))>:0
avidemux2_qt4(_Z12HandleAction6Action+0x149f) [0x4674bf]:8:<HandleAction(Action)>:0
avidemux2_qt4(_ZN10MainWindow13buttonPressedEv+0xb1) [0x51bea1]:9:<MainWindow::buttonPressed()>:0
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc67f7c0b1]:10:<QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**)>:0
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc684935f2]:11:<QAction::triggered(bool)>:0
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc684937df]:12:<QAction::activate(QAction::ActionEvent)>:0
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc688c0649]:13:<>:-2
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc688c67a2]:14:<>:-2
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc684ea044]:15:<QWidget::event(QEvent*)>:0
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc688c7d3b]:16:<QMenu::event(QEvent*)>:0
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc68499a84]:17:<QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*)>:0
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc6849f123]:18:<QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*)>:0
/usr/lib64/qt4/ [0x7fdc67f682bc]:19:<QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*)>:0
*********** BACKTRACK **************
12:54:46 Call terminate!!!
Cleaning up
[lavc] Killing decoding threads
[lavc] Destroyed
Deleting post proc
Waiting for Spidermonkey to finish...
Cleaning up Spidermonkey.
End of cleanup

Images stat:
Max memory consumed (MB)     : 19500
Current memory consumed (MB) : 3000
Max image used               : 13
Cur image used               : 2
Global mem stat
Memory consumed: 34 (MB)


Now for my system specs:

Sabayon Linux 10  (a distro based off of Gentoo.)
Kernel version: 3.0.0  (`uname -a` info: Linux tech7 3.0.0-sabayon #1 SMP Tue Oct 25 17:37:15 UTC 2011 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6700 @ 2.66GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux)
gcc profile: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-4.6.3-vanilla

Please let me know what other information you might need and thanks in advance for your assistance.

Jan Gruuthuse

upgrade to 2.5.6 please, for newer formats h.264, avc, HD TV formats upgrade to 2.6.