Avidemux stopped working when I installed MovieMaker

Started by baaadmoon, August 28, 2013, 07:33:34 PM

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I have Avidemux 2.6.4 and it was working PERFECTLY.  Then I installed Movie Maker (I had to string together scenes with dissolves).  Now I load an .mp4 file into Avidemux like I did before, do some mods like before (cropping, flip) and when I save - it doesn't seem to go through any processing.  There's a hesitation and then 'ding', file saved.  But instead of a FLV1 (flash) avi, it's a RAW file and there's no video info.

Did the Movie Maker install change something I can change BACK?



Don't know but if you rename avidemux.exe to avidemux_portable.exe (to run it as a portable) the does it still fail?
Maybe Movie maker overwrote a common library (DLL), although I think avidemux is fully self contained.
Try reinstalling avidemux.