AviDemux to edit MP4 (split + transitions)?

Started by yetanotherlogin, February 24, 2015, 09:19:44 AM

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Until now, when I needed to split a big file into relevant parts and add transitions between each segment, I used Corel's VideoStudio. But this means re-encoding the video, adding loss.

So, since AviDemux offers transitions in its Video > Filters > Transform ("Fade"), I was wondering if it could be used to 1) split the parts I want to keep, and 2) add some transition between each parts without any re-encoding.

If re-encoding is required, are there alternatives (preferably for Windows, but I can set up a Linux host) that can do the job with no re-encoding?

Thank you.

Edit: Done. For others' benefit, here's how I used AviDemus and ffmpeg to rip some parts of an MP4 file with no re-encoding, join them into a single MP4 file, and split the full file into two before uploading them to a site than limits files to 1h each:

  • Use AviDemux to extract MP4 file into files without re-encoding
  • Use ffmpeg with the following commands to join parts:
       ffmpeg -i Part1.mp4 -c copy -bsf h264_mp4toannexb Part1.ts
       ffmpeg -i Part2.mp4 -c copy -bsf h264_mp4toannexb Part2.ts
       ffmpeg -i "concat:Part1.ts|Part2.ts" -c copy -bsf aac_adtstoasc full.mp4
  • If video is over an hour, use ffmepg to split into parts:
       ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -i full.mp4 -t 00:55:00 -c copy part1.upload.mp4
       ffmpeg -ss 00:54:50 -i full.mp4 -c copy part2.upload.mp4