Cross-build failure related to moving flyDialog to Qt

Started by eumagga0x2a, December 24, 2016, 09:00:35 PM

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Merry Christmas!

I'm working on making UI_updateDrawWindowSize take into account the actual width of the codec widget area instead of a constant, arbitrary margin (well, I can't get rid of an arbitrary margin completely, but it works much better with different font sizes and different translations now). While trying to test my changes on Windows, I ran into a probably already known issue: cross-compiling Avidemux as of [flyDialog] simplify more fails currently with

error: 'ADM_flyDialog::ADM_flyDialog(uint32_t, uint32_t, ADM_coreVideoFilter*, ADM_QCanvas*, QSlider*, ResizeMethod)' redeclared without dllimport attribute: previous dllimport ignored [-Werror=attributes]
   ADM_flyDialog::ADM_flyDialog(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ADM_coreVideoFilter *in,

for ADM_flyDialog::ADM_flyDialog and similarly for every function defined in T_flyDialogQt4.cpp.

A native build succeeds.


Thanks for the info
Probably again the pure functions not exportable through dll

