Shut down computer when finish turning on during batch conversiom

Started by zemanepic, February 10, 2012, 02:47:43 PM

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This happen random after 8 - 12 files processed turning off the computer when you dont see it and uncheck it.

Can somebody fix it, pls?


Any chance to change the shut down computer option to a suspend computer option in a next release?

Is faster to recover when the bug strikes...

Thank you.



Today i set a new record.

Six not programed shutdowns.

Anything to do?


Jan Gruuthuse

Disable suspend (OS feature), when computer is suspended other software have no longer control.


Screen saver, shutdown monitor, suspend and hibernate are all disabled from the begining. (Win 7)

Can you pls elaborate more this suggestion?

Thank you very much.


Jan Gruuthuse

If I understand you correctly: your computer shuts down while only running jobs with avidemux? And you did not thick the box shutdown computer when finished processing?
Your CPU, GPU is overheating? Try lowering down priority encoding in Preferences: Threading. Check computer for dust, blocking fans, check fans with monitoring fans? If cpu overheats: bios shuts down cpu/system? my understanding.
If your jobs consists of re-encoding video, this could put a heavy load on your cpu. Load process explorer on your system, you can monitor cpu/core load with it. Process Explorer v15.13


I use to encode 20 to 25 avi 350 or 170 mb series videos to h264 mkv in a row and watch videos/movies while encoding.

The avidemux option to shut down after finish just turns on alone (checks) when next encoding starts and when the encoding finish, the machine shuts down. You can see the shut down box ticked. If you uncheck, its ok.  If you do not see it the machines goes off at the end of encoding.

I am monitoring temperature and its 52, 53 degrees C. So, its not overheating. Priority is already low.

The problem happens after processing around 10 files.

Thank you for your help.

Jan Gruuthuse

Switch to  batch processing with script and cli version of avidemux, so the GUI is not interacting with what you're doing on screen. If focus is grabbed by avidemux, key press or mouse click could be transfered, not saying it is.


While was typing above post the box turned on.  Is was the 9 th file of the day.

Jan Gruuthuse

When you process avidemux jobs, there is a Window with avidemux running. When this window becomes active, by loading a new clip and start encoding. This window can take the focus of keyboard/mouse and a take this as instruction.
If jobs are similar like processing a lot of video by just encoding to another format, you could use batch processing.
see avidemux Batch processing and Scripting

Other option could be while encoding minimize to tray? Not sure if this an option (checkbox)?


My dear friend.

Look to the title of my post:  Shut down computer when finish turning on during batch conversiom

I am using a .bat program to do that.

Is as follows...

set avidemux="C:\Program Files\Avidemux 2.5\avidemux2.exe"
for %%f in (*.avi) do %avidemux% --force-alt-h264 --load "%%f" --run aq27.js --save "%%f.mkv" --quit

The problems happens when i run the job over 20 or more avi files and stay laying down in my coach.

Jan Gruuthuse

Yes my friend you're using the avidemux for batch processing using a .bat file. Is that avidemux GUI or the command line version? Can't see that from here. If using the GUI try with switch --nogui or switch to avidemux cli, if that exists in windows?
Otherwise try with 2.6.
I do similar stuff in linux, and I'm no longer familiar with Window$. Batch processing in Linux does not cause a shutdown while processing a large amount of video's.
At the bottom of the page Batch processing: from link in previous reply.

You can replace avidemux2 with avidemux2_cli if you want to process files without GUI

You can use ââ,¬â€œnogui option in case you want to suppress all dialogs (it must be first option!)

So hope you get it sorted out my friend.

Jan Gruuthuse

If still having issues, memory?, you could try this:
set avidemux="C:\Program Files\Avidemux 2.5\avidemux2.exe"
for %%f in (*.avi) do (
%avidemux% --force-alt-h264 --load "%%f" --run aq27.js --save "%%f.mkv" --quit
%avidemux% --help --quit

The second avidemux line should clear some stuff (files, ...) after finishing each encode
Should this fail to, change the avidemux lines form position.
No guarantee this will work, can't test this: no windows.


Testing with avidemux_cli.

How i use the  ââ,¬â€œnogui option pls?

set avidemux="C:\Program Files\Avidemux 2.5\avidemux2_cli.exe"
for %%f in (*.avi) do %avidemux% --nogui --force-alt-h264 --load "%%f" --run aq27.js --save "%%f.mkv" --quit  ???

Thank you for your patience.