How to save current preferences as custom preset file and apply it on occasion?

Started by pstein, June 08, 2012, 05:42:06 AM

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Assume I have setup for the currently loaded (digicam)video a certain set of preferences (e.g. re-encode it with another video and audio-codec and rotate it by 90 deg).

Ok, I can now apply it on  the current video.
But moreover I want to use this set for other videos in the future again without having to manually re-setup all preferences again.
So how can I save the current preferences as custompref7.ini and load it in e.g. 2 weeks again?

The current settings should NOT be the one-and-only default settings.
So tomorrow they could be temporarily changed. But in two weeks I want to have access either by a menu "load settings from file" or call avidemux somehow by cmdline parameter like

avidemux2.exe -settings=custompref7.ini

How can I do this in detail?

If this currently is not possible: Could this feature be included in next release?

Thank you

Jan Gruuthuse

Have you looked at save as project from file Menu? Should do some stuff you want?


The problem with this "Save project as" is that it is not movie independent.

Users MUST load a movie in advance and bind the current preferences to exactly this movie.

In contrast I want to start Avidemux with my individual customized preferences.

So again: How can I achieve this?


Jan Gruuthuse

When edit a "save a project as" you omit the parts where you load the video(s) and mark the segments A and B. <- click. Check what is saved and that is passed on when you call the project from the menu.
Another example what can be achieved: 2.6 audio track switching in
some presets that can be set. In the GUI itself, nearly no presets are saved, except for those in the Preferences.
Quote from: pstein on July 02, 2012, 01:04:49 PM
In contrast I want to start Avidemux with my individual customized preferences.
We all want/wait for this, it is not there, currently.
So again: Should do some stuff you want?