Crashes with MTS files from Panasonic GF-1

Started by Lebenita, December 20, 2012, 02:48:10 PM

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Avidemux seems to choke on MTS files (originating from the Panasonic GF-1 stills camera), with differences between Windows and Linux versions.

When I open an MTS file on Linux ââ,¬â€œ whether the official 2.6.0 or the latest nightly from git (r8319?) doesn't make a difference - it crashes instantly with an assert failure "flags & AVI_KEY_FRAME" at line 452, ADM_EditorSegment::intraTimeToFrame

On Windows (official 2.6.0), it opens fine and can be navigated, reencoded and saved, but it crashes if I try to add a resize filter.

Any ideas? I can provide a file if necessary.





No, I'm afraid this is how they came out of the camera (but I don't have the camera any more so no new tests possible I'm afraid).

Why, are they so terrible? What did you find?

You can find a few more MTS samples from the same camera on DP Review:

Maybe you could check if they display the same characteristics (different frame rate though as it's a different region model).

Jan Gruuthuse

Until mean finds a solution for the bdav codec (mediainfo) this does play in vlc. Use the .mov option: these work in avidemux 2.6.


Yes, mov works fine. And yes, the MTS files play fine in VLC or even Windows Media Player. And in Windows, I have managed to work around it in avidemux manually by reencoding the file first without resizing, and then resizing the resulting file.


Quote from: Lebenita on December 20, 2012, 06:40:48 PM
in Windows, I have managed to work around it in avidemux manually by reencoding the file first without resizing, and then resizing the resulting file.
The above workaround didn't work after all.

Thanks to a tip by pts on, I changed my original script line from
$avidemux --nogui --load $FIL --run $settings --save ${FIL}.avi --quit
fps=$(mediainfo $FIL | grep 'Frame rate' | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\..*$//')
mencoder -of rawaudio -ovc copy -oac copy -o $FIL.raw.aud $FIL
mencoder -of rawvideo -ovc copy -oac copy -o $FIL.raw.vid $FIL
mkvmerge -o $FIL.mkv --forced-track 0:no --default-duration 0:${fps}fps -d 0 -A -S -T --no-global-tags --no-chapters $FIL.raw.vid --forced-track 0:no -a 0 -D -S -T --no-global-tags --no-chapters $FIL.raw.aud --track-order 0:0,1:0
$avidemux --nogui --load $FIL.mkv --run $settings --save ${FIL}.avi --quit
rm -f $FIL.raw.vid $FIL.raw.aud $FIL.mkv

Works fine, but with no less than three external packages (mencoder, mkvtoolnix, mediainfo) and six code lines instead of one, it's clearly less than elegant (not to mention the added processing time).