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Started by ttrash100, October 15, 2012, 04:48:00 PM

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ffs, i just needed to cut one small part of an .mkv ...
mkvmerge took 5 mins be cause processed all input file (it don't know how to extract only what i need)

your program took 7 mins to reach 60% of ... opening the imput file, no processing whatsoever

i don't know if this matter for you but REALLY !!!!

Jan Gruuthuse

Why the shouting? Details: your Operating system, 32/64-bit, used version of avidemux and its revision number.
Provide a sample 5 seconds or 20 MB of similar mkv causing the problem. Upload to rapidshare or similar web service and provide link to the uploaded video.
Perhaps developers still want to look at your specific problem.
Thank you for your attention. I'm a avidemux 2.5.6 and 2.6 user, not a developer or forum staff.

ps: ALL CAPITALS in posting/message is shouting at someone and considered very rude.


He's right though. There's no need to "process" a cideo if it can be opened instantly by other software. For me, this happens on all MKV, all MP4, all WMV and about half of all AVI.

The fact that opening MP4 causes a crash most of the time, and MKV causes a crash about half the time, is another issue.

Okay, if a video is correupted/incomplete, it's understandable that it needs reindexing, but a fully complete, uncorrupted, valid and playable video should open instantly.

This is not depended on any OS or specific to any one video file. You;re not telling me you *can* open each and every realistic file instantly without errors, crashes, inability to seek, jaggy frames or starting with a couple of green frames. These things happen *all the time*. Nothing special and seriously needs to be addressed.

Jan Gruuthuse

Weird this is happening to you. Most of the time avidemux 2.5.6 / 2.6.1 does what it is supposed to do. If it does not for you: stick with windows moviemaker.