Arabic letters for subtitles in *ass format

Started by ِAdam, July 14, 2013, 10:21:26 PM

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i can not get filter working correctly when i try to use it with Arabic letters for subtitles in .ass format. I tried to use Avidemux in Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 12.04 and Mint MATE 13. Each letter is displayed separately when they have to be displayed linked to each other. To create subtitles i used Aegisub. When i use Avidemux in Windows 7 i do not have such issue.

I tried to find workaround. I found only one thread discussed in 2009:
I installed HarfBuzz
But issue was not resolved. Maybe there is other way to resolve this issue? Can you please advice solution for this issue?

Attached are how subtitles are displayed in Windows 7 and in Mint Mate 13

Thanks in advance, Adam.


Check you have installed the same font in Mint!


Of cause fonts has been installed i created subtitles file on the same OS in Aegisub.


Now i see the first both pictures are in different size.The video files resolution is also are in different size? If this right, resample subtitles resolution.Also if you upload small part from the beginning of subtitles instead of picture, would be better.You can do this quickly like that:
cat ORIGINALL.ass | sed -n '1,60p' >CUTTING.ass
P.S: If above it's OK, just reduce font scale ââ,¬Å¾ÃÅ"аÃ'Ã'ˆÃ'‚аб Ã'ˆÃ'â,¬ÃÂ¸Ã'„Ã'‚аââ,¬Å"