.ass subtitles file problem (I think)

Started by avidemux_qc, July 12, 2016, 09:32:17 AM

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Hi Jan,

I've made tests to try to isolate the problem...
With the attached file, avidemux crashes 95% of the time with the "QPixmap" error mentioned in my 1st post.

If you wanna verify if you also have the problem, here is what to do with the test video available here : http://w7-solutions.ca/avidemux/
- Video Output : Mpeg4 AVC (x264)
- Filters : Subtitles with the test-avidemux11.ass file
- Audio Output : Copy
- Output Format : MP4 Muxer (or v2)

You can save the file or play the video with the "Play filtered" checked (Right side, under the B:) - it crashes most of the time.

If you remove 1 character from the line "Here's a test..." from the .ass file, the problem disappears...

On my side, I can do a quick fix just by removing a word from my too long lines...  but I will recompile with the last version anyway...

I would be interested to know if the problem is there in the last version.  So if you do the test, I would appreciate if you let me know...

Thanks again for your help, really appreciated all your hints ! ;)


Thanks, with the samples i see something is maybe wrong


It seems the problem is your subtitle image is going outside the video
The bug is that it is not clipped properly

It should be easy to fix

Jan Gruuthuse

confirmed, see that mean already found the issue.
Quote from: mean on July 13, 2016, 02:41:32 PM
It should be easy to fix

1st this happens
Calling VDPAU decoder , target surface=12
[ass] fontconfig: cannot find font 'Comic Neue', falling back to 'DejaVu Sans Bold'
Calling VDPAU decoder , target surface=13

Scripting video streams
Scripting segments
Scripting markers
Scripting post-processing
Scripting video encoder
Scripting video filters
Scripting audio tracks
Scripting muxer

*********** BACKTRACK **************
/usr/lib/libADM_core6.so(ADM_backTrack+0x60) [0x7f424295bf20]:0:<ADM_backTrack>:-2
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x36cb0) [0x7f423e244cb0]:1:<>:-2
/usr/lib/ADM_plugins6/videoFilters/libADM_vf_ssa.so(_ZN6subAss12getNextFrameEPjP8ADMImage+0x302) [0x7f4211771e52]:2:<subAss::getNextFrame(unsigned int*, ADMImage*)>:0
/usr/bin/avidemux3_qt4(_ZN20ADM_videoFilterQueue9runActionEv+0x9f) [0x475cef]:3:<ADM_videoFilterQueue::runAction()>:0
/usr/lib/libADM_coreUtils6.so(_ZN15ADM_threadQueue3runEv+0x11) [0x7f424164f861]:4:<ADM_threadQueue::run()>:0
/usr/lib/libADM_coreUtils6.so(+0x1c879) [0x7f424164f879]:5:<>:-2
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x8184) [0x7f423fa42184]:6:<>:-2
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f423e30837d]:7:<clone>:-2
*********** BACKTRACK **************
Crash Dump for Crash
at line 0, file ??ADM_backTrack

subAss::getNextFrame(unsigned int*, ADMImage*)


QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
[xcb] Unknown request in queue while dequeuing
[xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called
[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.


Thanks for your answers !

So, because of the font replacement, the line is too long for the width of the video ?

It's not because you don't have the font installed ? 

Because, I don't have this error and the line, both in aegisub and vlc is well inside the video (even if vlc doesn't move it, it's there with spaces on each side).

I added the font here http://w7-solutions.ca/avidemux/ if you wanna try... (just need to install the bold I think)


I'll fix the real problem
Should take a couple of days


Good idea since it makes it crash...

By the way, thanks for the great tool Mean (and all the developpers who work with you) !

Jan Gruuthuse

Is already fixed: 64b3711    [Ass] Fix clipping of out of bound bitmap
Text is moving nicely from bottom to top. Job well done mean. Rather very fast days ;)


Jan Gruuthuse

sample video with current submit: Subtitle ASS long line moving text test video deleted.


Hi Jan and Mean,

Sorry for the time it took me to verify my packages, re-compile and make a couple of tests.

Thanks for the fast fix, very impressed !  And the text is moving quite nicely ! 

The only comment I have is this one : normally, with the move example I gave you, the line should appear in one shot and not progressively like it does now.  You did an effect that is possible to achieve with an .ass file but it's not supposed to do that with only a "move".  I'm happy with the way you did it, it adds a nice "twist" to it !  But I was just wondering if it will behave correctly when other effects will be used on top of the move...  just wanted to let you know...

And unfortunately, there are one thing I saw that doesn't work anymore... :(  Normal lines are often cut (just partially visible).  I attach an example file if you wanna test...

Thank you for the good and efficient work !


My clipping seems over enthousiastic,  let me check



Hi mean,

I did a complete test with my 27 minutes video, another one with a smaller video...  and you know what ?  SPOT ON !

Thanks mean, you're the best !!! 8)

Jan Gruuthuse

New demo video: Subtitle ASS long lines and moving text test on our YouTube Avidemux Demo channel.
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