Undefined symbol in libADM_vf_avsfilter.so

Started by eumagga0x2a, August 14, 2016, 10:02:48 AM

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Not sure when it started:

Unable to load [/usr/local/lib64/ADM_plugins6//videoFilters/libADM_vf_avsfilter.so]: /usr/local/lib64/ADM_plugins6//videoFilters/libADM_vf_avsfilter.so: undefined symbol: _Z8send_cmdi7AVS_CMDPKvi
[ADM_vf_plugin] Unable to load libADM_vf_avsfilter.so

(I use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local in bootStrap.bash, but this can't be related to the issue). Apart from this, Avidemux (both Qt4 and Qt5 versions) runs fine.

This is at https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2/commit/295a8f3a75dffac29267e5385e4d28a70a1f35d6 ([appImage] more fixes), but a build from yesterday behaved the same.


i'll probably not fix that one
It's the grey area where the appImage would become a live CD if i pull everything needed for it to work
(i.e 200 MB)


My bad, the issue was already reported by sl1pkn07 on June 30: fail load libADM_vf_avsfilter.so. Apologies for the dupe.

Quote from: mean on August 15, 2016, 11:54:16 AM
i'll probably not fix that one
It's the grey area where the appImage would become a live CD if i pull everything needed for it to work
(i.e 200 MB)

I'm sorry, but I can't follow you. How can this be related to appImage? I build always from source in the usual way (just tweaking the prefix to avoid the need to use dreadful things CPack leaves behind).


ah, my mistake,  i thought it was linked to appImage


the plugin is broken, it looks like there is a missing dependency to wine or windows

Jan Gruuthuse

I did get something about script not found in earlier commit versions. was not related this one. was avisynth.


I've disabled it, ppwrite() is not there, i dont know where it's coming from

Jan Gruuthuse

not certain: current commit  2aa92c0    [coder/decoder] Fix double free when using libva

builds fine here.
-- Checking for tar
-- ****************
-- Found tar
-- Path: /bin/tar

-- avsfilter binary uncompressed

-- Installing: /home/jan/avidemux2/install/usr/share/ADM6_addons/avsfilter/avsload.exe
-- Installing: /home/jan/avidemux2/install/usr/share/ADM6_addons/avsfilter/pipe_source.dll

- just noticed commits update, will build again.
- no longer there, disabled as you wrote.


Quote from: mean on August 15, 2016, 03:23:23 PM
I've disabled it, ppwrite() is not there, i dont know where it's coming from

Thank you.