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Started by fish, August 19, 2016, 11:16:47 AM

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I know it's just out and is not 'polished' but my first try shows that the keyboard controls for mark in and mark out don't work. Just saying...


Ah, I see 'mark in' and 'mark out' has been changed from a one key operation, to two key operation, this has got to be a bad idea, it would certainly end keyboard editing for me.


Depends on your keyboard, [] are 2 keys on non qwerty  keyboards


I would still regard the change as a regressive step, as it simply makes editing with qwerty keyboards as awkward as with non qwerty keyboards. It would surely be a better change, to in some way make it a one key operation on both types of keyboards.


I don't know if there is a standard for using [ and ] for in and out in videoediting but in my language i have to hold Alt Gr and press 8 to make a [.
So i would of course prefer to be able to do it just by pressing one key like A for in and S for out or I (IN) and O (OUT) which is just under 8 and 9.


In some non-latin layouts there are no [ and ] characters at all (you have to switch to a latin layout every time). Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDown shortcuts work everywhere.

BTW, feel free to rebuild Avidemux with the keyboard shortcuts at set to your preferred value.


Why can't multiple hotkeys be mapped to the same command? As well as Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn, map [] to these commands as well.  If the filename input boxes can override hotkeys, also map I/O & A/B as hotkeys for the start/end-of-range markers too.



That's a good point, I run Avid Media Composer, which is probably as 'industry standard' as it gets. Avid by default uses I & O for mark in, mark out but there are also a lot of two and three key press operations which I find a pain. I think anything that forces an editor to look away from the display for more than a split second can be a pain, so the most frequently used operations should if possible be handled by a one key press.. Of course MC keyboard functions can be remapped but there are comparatively few functions in Avidemux, few enough to have all of them as one key functions. I like the idea of remapping the in out functions to a personal preference. I have already gone back to v2.6.12 because what I see as a retrograde change was bugging me, so I haven't even given v2.6.13 a chance. I will look into remapping mark in & out to I & O for v2.6.13, which is what I'm used to in Avid.


There is partial workaround for [] keys not working anymore. If using software provided by mouse manufacturer it is best to bind some buttons to CTRL+PGUP and CTRL+PGDOWN.
Works like a charm.

Jan Gruuthuse

Please keep in mind:
Avidemux is not only windows based! Avidemux runs also MacOS and several Linux distributions.
And don't forget the international users and their different keyboards layouts.


Everyone has their own ideas of "nice to have refinements" for Avidemux.
The only idea of how Avidemux should be presented is the one from the Author(s).
By all means try and persuade them to change their presentation/operational ideas.
It does influence them sometimes.

The Author(s) do say this about their program - "Avidemux is a basic video editor".
To me that translates to - as long as you have access to "mark in" and "mark out" then this basic video editor functionality is satisfied.


Quote from: MetalMania on August 20, 2016, 09:15:23 AM
There is partial workaround for [] keys not working anymore. If using software provided by mouse manufacturer it is best to bind some buttons to CTRL+PGUP and CTRL+PGDOWN.

This would break Firefox (and Nautilus on Linux), where Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDown switch between tabs.

All shortcuts without modifiers work only in environments with latin keyboards or even just with the en-US keyboard layout active. But the idea with two shortcuts for one and the same action sounds not bad, though I am not sure what would be shown as shortcut in the menus then.


Quote from: eumagga0x2a on August 20, 2016, 06:11:53 PM
This would break Firefox (and Nautilus on Linux), where Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDown switch between tabs.

Not if using Logitech mouse where it's possible to assign different key binds to different applications.
Can't say how other manufactures do it.



I wasn't aware of the problems that using the [ ] keys were causing many people, so on that basis the developers may have made a good choice of moving away from using the [ ] keys. I only have the narrow view of a Windows user. I do use Avidemux almost every day, for quite a few years, mostly in copy mode and mostly for removing unwanted sections of video without re-encoding. This can involve few actual edits to perhaps over 100.  On that basis, I don't think there is any software that rivals it, either free or commercial.
Over the years I have moved from using only the mouse, to mostly the keyboard because I have found that, as the number of edits required increases, the keyboard makes editing faster. This is mainly due to two factors, firstly using the keyboard, the 'up', 'down', 'right', 'left', keys can be held down to achieve a shuttle effect, where as this cannot be done with a mouse. Secondly, using the mouse, there is no 'delete' button in the GUI, so when using the mouse, it is still necessary to move to the edit menu and click delete. So ideally I would like to see all keyboard functions as one key operations, preferably using keys that are grouped close together and on mouse usability, a delete button on the GUI, close to the transport buttons.
Please don't regard this post as a criticism of the software, I realise that the developers have their own ideas and know far better what works for everybody. I'm just thought I would post my experiences of using Avidemux, in my narrow set of circumstances, in a mostly specific way. I would also like to read how other people use and get the most out of the software.
I like eumagga0x2a's suggestion but since I haven't dabbled in any coding since 'peeking' and 'poking' Commodore 64 memory addresses and some short machine code programs, 30 odd years ago, I don't know where to start. The changes look simple enough but how do I get at the text, do I need some sort of assembler/disassembler or is it called a compiler these days? Are there any guides to make these sort of customisations.

Sorry just browsing around the forum and realised this thread is more suited to the 'User Interface And Usability' section.

Jan Gruuthuse

Quote from: fish on August 22, 2016, 01:52:52 PM
>8 >8 Secondly, there is no 'delete' button in the GUI, so when using the mouse, >8 >8
deleting marked sections (cut) [Ctrl][x]