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RPMs built with CPack broken

Started by ajschult, January 26, 2019, 03:24:53 AM

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Now that avidemux installs xdg metadata ( the building of RPMs (./bootStrap.bash --rpm) is broken.  The resulting avidemux3-qt5 RPM thinks that it owns the directories:


But these are already owned by other packages on my system (Fedora 29).  Actually, that by itself does not seem to be a fatal problem (2 different packages own /usr/share/icons/hicolor), but the avidemux RPM wants the permissions to be different (drwxrwxr-x) from what the fedora packages have (drwxr-xr-x) and the difference in permissions apparently prevents the avidemux RPM from being installed (at least without --force).

I attempted to fix this via  CPACK_RPM_EXCLUDE_FROM_AUTO_FILELIST_ADDITION (, but without success.


The first thing I do on Fedora is to fix the default umask and set it to 0022. With this task done, CPack generated Avidemux RPMs install and run fine.


Perhaps.  But that doesn't mean the CPack RPM build isn't broken.


You're right, should be fixed now. Thank you for raising the issue.