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2.5.6 crashes when saving project

Started by golinux, October 24, 2012, 01:40:53 AM

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Avidemux 2.5.6 installed on xfce wheezy.  Save as copy = CRASH.  Save as MPEG-4 AVC/AAC/MP4 = CRASH.  The only option that doesn't CRASH is auto DVD.  Am able to use filters and save video.  But can't save or create new project.  Here's one of the crash logs:

Assert failed :0
at line 386, file /home/marillat/src/avidemux-2.5.6/avidemux/ADM_encoder/adm_encConfig.cppADM_backTrack
ADM_Composer::saveAsScript(char const*, char const*)
ADM_Composer::saveAsScript(char const*, char const*)
A_saveWorkbench(char const*)
FileSel_ReadWrite(void (*)(char const*), int, char const*, char const*)
avidemux2_gtk() [0x816e452]
GUI_FileSelWrite(char const*, void (*)(char const*))
guiCallback(_GtkMenuItem*, void*)


I'm going to try a reinstall next.

Jan Gruuthuse


Quote from: Jan Gruuthuse on October 24, 2012, 06:18:34 AM
try with avidemux 2.6

OK.  Downloaded 2.6.  Followed instructions at 'Compiling Avidemux 2.6.x'.  Process in the terminal ended with:

-- Packager=deb, valid choices= {deb,rpm,tgz,none}

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/xxxxxx/Desktop/avidemux_2.6.0/buildCore

Nothing after that came up in the terminal ie. it never went back to a prompt.  What do I do next?  I thought it would generate a .deb so I'm confused.  Thanks for your help.


Well, I realized that it just needed to work longer.  It created 4 .debs in the deb folder which I installed.  It said all dependencies were satisfied but the editor is unusable - no sound, no option to save project, no auto DVD option, no input/output toggle, no fade filter, have to klllx to close it down.  And without a GTK3 theme the GUI is just plain ugly.  As is, this is not a viable option.

Would it be possible to compile the version currently on squeeze (which works wonderfully well) for wheezy?  Or can you please help me find a way to fix 2.5.6?

Jan Gruuthuse

only install in this order:
Start avidemux by calling from terminal:
Simple article: Installing Avidemux 2.5.x for Linux
Simple article: Installing Avidemux 2.6.x for Linux
Very detailed guide: Compiling Avidemux for Linux and Windows

do understand 2.5 = frame based, 2.6 = time based. I use both alongside.

sudo apt-get install build-essential \
cmake \
fakeroot \
gcc \
g++ \
gettext \
liba52-0.7.4 \
liba52-0.7.4-dev \
libasound2-dev \
libarts1-dev \
libfaac-dev \
libfaad-dev \
libgtk2.0-dev \
libglib2.0-dev \
libmad0-dev \
libpng12-dev \
libqt4-dev \
libqt4-opengl \
libqt4-opengl-dev \
libvorbis-dev \
libx264-dev \
libxv-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libxvidcore-dev \
make \
pkg-config \
subversion \

goto home directory:
cd ~/
get source:
svn co svn://
set permissions for to allow to execute
Automatic compilation (recommended):
cd ~/avidemux_2.5.6
sudo ./


Thank you very much, Jan! I did find some of the documents you listed late last night.  Are you suggesting that gtk is buggy and I should try qt instead??  Or is that just your personal preference?

Jan Gruuthuse

Not buggy, less implemented options in there. Problematic supporting over the different OS's (Linux, OSX, windows). Should pose less problems when using the avidemux QT. Don't speak myself out over Qt or GTK. My desktop is unity 2D on 12.04.1 LTS.


OK.  I'll give qt a try maybe later tonight.  Will also try compiling a 2.5x.  This is all pretty new territory for me . . . I'm a user who usually installs via synaptic.  I thought I'd get ahead of the curve with wheezy but it's been a big headache on many fronts.  Maybe I should have waited until wheezy stable.  But then . . . it's been a great learning experience.  Thanks for your help.

Thought I would add that I'm running XFCE Debian but may end up on SalineOS or Refracta or even just Openbox.

Jan Gruuthuse

If it would ever happen you can't get avidemux to work on these. you can always add another primary partition on a harrdisc (0/1/...) and use the bios menu boot or grub2 boot to choose what OS you want to use for a specific job. Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS (5 year support) would be then a preferred choice and would do with 10 GB.


Quote from: Jan Gruuthuse on October 26, 2012, 05:41:24 AM
If it would ever happen you can't get avidemux to work on these. you can always add another primary partition on a harrdisc (0/1/...) and use the bios menu boot or grub2 boot to choose what OS you want to use for a specific job. Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS (5 year support) would be then a preferred choice and would do with 10 GB.

I have been thinking somewhat along the same lines.  If I can't get avidemux working on wheezy, I will probably do a minimal squeeze install (on yet another partition - I've got 3 hard drives in my working box and 2 empty bays) to use strictly for media work.  10GB?  Ha!  When I work on a big project, I need at least 500gb.   I may have started with 'buntu (after an introduction to Linux via red hat and centos in 2005) but I have so moved on.  I will NEVER go back to 'buntuland . . . not ever.  ;)  (I don't trust Shuttleworth.  Period.  Especially after the amazon thing.)

I'm too tired now to follow up on various installation options but will hopefully have time tomorrow.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Jan Gruuthuse

The OS partition would not need the fully required space for the project: only OS and required programs.
This is how my setup looks like:
1 TB's SATA 6 Gb/s WD1002FAEX are OS and workspace related. Editing on these: sdc5 to sda6 (686 GB both).
2 TB's SATA 3 Gb/s WD20EARS media storage: original and processed video

The second has 3 primary partitions (100 GB) where the 1st partition stores 11.10 amd64. sdc2 and sdc3 are for testing OS purpose. All primaries are selectable in grub2 boot.


Quote from: Jan Gruuthuse on October 26, 2012, 08:14:37 AM
The OS partition would not need the fully required space for the project: only OS and required programs.

Yes, that is a possibility too and perhaps a better one.  I'm going to be rearranging most of the partitions on my drives when the time comes.  In the mean time, I'm on the older machine just trying to get everything working - xampp, wine, media apps etc. - and getting familiar with xfce and other options to gnome 3.   I should have plenty of time today to see if I can get avidemux working.


Drat! Unexpectedly tied up for several days.  Hopefully tomorrow . . .


Quote from: Jan Gruuthuse on October 25, 2012, 06:52:07 AM
Simple article: Installing Avidemux 2.5.x for Linux
Simple article: Installing Avidemux 2.6.x for Linux
Very detailed guide: Compiling Avidemux for Linux and Windows

I finally find the time and am awake enough to try this and none of these links work.  They all go to a page that says:


You don't have permission to access /admWiki/doku.php on this server.


I'll try with the instructions you posted but sure wish the wiki were working . . . it was a few days ago.


Quote from: Jan Gruuthuse on October 25, 2012, 06:52:07 AM
get source:
svn co svn://
set permissions for to allow to execute
Automatic compilation (recommended):
cd ~/avidemux_2.5.6
sudo ./

How do I install the svn if I don't have sudo enabled?  Is there a way to do it with su?

I tried running  ./ in a root terminal instead of sudo and it completed *  All Done  * but I can't find avidemux anywhere or launch it.