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Main version 2.6 / Re: Duplicate frames missing, ...
Last post by eumagga0x2a - Today at 06:10:18 PM
Ah, forgot about that "+" frames: there are none. As suspected, a purely fictional crutch VirtualDub needs to handle gaps in timestamps.
Main version 2.6 / Re: Duplicate frames missing, ...
Last post by eumagga0x2a - Today at 06:08:25 PM
Thank you for the sample. I don't see any buggy behaviour of Avidemux saving it in copy mode (you obviously implied copy mode) starting with the second keyframe. The delay you are concerned about is inevitable and a result of the choices made when Avidemux was designed: contrary to e.g. FFmpeg which uses signed values (int64_t) for timestamps, Avidemux uses unsigned ones (uint64_t). This means that while FFmpeg can assign negative decode timestamps to the first few frames which must be decoded before we can display the first picture, Avidemux can't. Instead, it has to delay all timestamps by the amount of time it takes to avoid decode timestamps wrapping around (as no negative values are possible).
Avidemux-German / Re: Bewegte Objekte unkenntlic...
Last post by sark - Today at 05:14:22 PM
Quote from: alexstorm on September 19, 2024, 03:26:36 PMDoes anyone know of some new filter that can move follow a sign and blur it as it moves around a scene?

It's known as Motion Tracking. Kdenlive is the only free program I'm personally aware of that has such an option. No doubt there may be others. Avidemux was nevet designed to be such a sophisticated tool.
Windows / Re: Filter Option Greyed Out, ...
Last post by eumagga0x2a - Today at 04:55:25 AM
This question is being raised from time to time, e. g.,18285.0.html

Filters are not applicable in copy mode, therefore the button in the GUI is disabled. You must select an encoder (i. e. not "Copy") for video first.

The same applies to audio tracks, obviously.
Main version 2.6 / Re: Failure saving damaged MPE...
Last post by alexstorm - Today at 12:30:31 AM
your merged .ts files on one drive has corrupted time line data.  It is not showing an end time using VLC.  There are alternate audios and several other additional files in a 7.3GB download for a 1080P playback.  Doing anything with this file in Windows starts the virus check.  I cannot even rename the file.

I think you are using a media copy that is too bloated and damaged.  This is causing your problem.  You need to grab the media in a different way.  I think trying to deal with this file is hopeless.

Main version 2.6 / Re: Duplicate frames missing, ...
Last post by /bin/dreams - September 19, 2024, 11:17:42 PM
Quote from: eumagga0x2a on September 18, 2024, 10:37:55 PMPlease provide a sample via WeTransfer, Mega, Dropbox or Google Drive.
Here you go.
Try cutting out the first two frames, so the video starts from the second I-frame at 0.166 seconds. Then check the mkv start_time that was added:
ffprobe -hide_banner -show_entries stream=start_time "edited_file.mkv"
By the way, avidemux ALSO adds a delay when I cut frames AFTER the ephemeral (+) frames, such as from the end of the video. Obviously it should not have been adding any delay at all in such a scenario. Fun!
Windows / Filter Option Greyed Out, Cann...
Last post by Ambrocious - September 19, 2024, 10:34:49 PM
Im brand new to this program and am having a very hard time finding the remove logo filter download link (I searched already 5 times now to find the download link and it was like trying to find a needle in a hay stack).

I already went into my program files and created the Folder named "Filters" which did not ungrey the filter option at all. I tried looking for other people that went threw these issues and either the information was not understandable or there was no actual link to the program I need. I want to stop using an online program and use this program instead but I have found this whole process to be extremely infuriating!

If anyone can please help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
User interface and Usability / feature request: Spread load o...
Last post by Grobe - September 19, 2024, 09:54:53 PM

disclaimer: This is probably a very big ask in regard of development hours.

I want to propose a feature, especially for encoding x265 video streams:
  • Avidemux would have the ability to start as a service, or just a background task, doesn't need a gui. This mode should be used on secondary computers that is ready to take part of the encoding process, I just call this for "network server mode" as for now
  • Avidemux should probably need to start in an extra - for the sake of argument I just call it "network-master mode" at the primary computer - where user use the gui just the same as in any other normal cases)

When Avidemux start in "Network-master mode" and Avidemux are started in "network server mode" on other computers on the local network, it should behave in the following manner:
  • When started in server mode, the process will run a short benchmark - this will be used in order for the process on the main computer (Avidemux started in Network-master mode) to split up the encoding work in such a way that it attempt to assign an amount of encoding job to each server linear to each server benchmark score, the goal is so that all servers should make the assigned work done at approximately the same time.
  • When started in "Network-master mode", it should look for Avidemux servers in the network. If no servers are found, then Avidemux should behave normally, but notify user that no servers found on the network

How much resources would it take in order to implement something like that ?
Avidemux-German / Re: Bewegte Objekte unkenntlic...
Last post by alexstorm - September 19, 2024, 03:26:36 PM

As far as I know, the blur effect can be added to any part of the image, but I don't know a way to make it move to follow a sign.  You can set it to one location for a few seconds and then change to another location.  There might be a way to do this scene by scene.  I know you can do it if you cut the media into clips, add a blur to each individual clip and then bring all the clips together again with a copy command.

If you want to follow the sign as it moves through a scene, then I think you need a timeline type of more advanced editor.  Does anyone know of some new filter that can move follow a sign and blur it as it moves around a scene?

Hope that makes sense.
Main version 2.6 / Re: Duplicate frames missing, ...
Last post by alexstorm - September 19, 2024, 03:19:32 PM

Are you referring to content with 3:2 pulldown, every 4th frame in a series is duplicated.. 1,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,8,8...?

Your media is set to 23.976.  This usually happens when content has 3:2 pulldown removed and is reset to the slower frame rate that is very close to the original 24 fps.

29.97 / 5 * 4 = 23.976

If your copy is already on 23.976 fps and still has 3:2 pulldown with duplicate frames, then I think it fps was changed without successfully pulling out the duplicate frames. Ideally, get the original media running at perhaps 29.97 or better yet, the master running at 24 fps.  I think encoders often fail to do a good job at 3:2 pulldown conversion back to 23.976 for various reasons.  If any logo is added or any edit made, then the 3:2 sequence can get out of order.  Automatic dupe frame removal hardly ever works perfectly.  This is why the VirtualDub filter has a blend option.  This blurs over movement in the frame to reduce image stuttering.

If you don't have a previous generation of the media to use, then try using the blend option in the filter and see if the result looks better.

Hope that makes sense.