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Windows / Re: bug zero/current frame tim...
Last post by eumagga0x2a - May 24, 2024, 09:36:02 PM
Thank you for the sample. I confirm that Avidemux exhibits a number of issues with it (the sample violates a whole lot of assumptions), especially the real frame duration being that much longer than the default frame duration specified by the codec as well as at the container level breaks navigation (you cannot go to the previous frame at the boundary between the "slideshow" and the continuation of normal video).

Yes, please provide the ffmpeg command line for the ease of future testing.

Quote from: scscorpin on May 24, 2024, 04:45:54 PMHow can I switch hardware acceleration to Direct3D11 or NVIDIA CUVID in Avidemux?

The former: you'd need to implement it yourself, Avidemux still uses d3d9. The latter: please use a current nightly, the ancient 2.8.0 release is entirely unsupported.

However, the playback issue is entirely unrelated to hw accel, it is a bug in the GUIPlayback::run() function. Other issues affect filtering.
Unix-Like (Linux/Bsd/...) / Re: lost audio on Linux Mint
Last post by ephemera - May 24, 2024, 06:05:24 PM

But how did it get changed? "Local playback downmixing" was set on 'stereo headphones', and "audio device" was set on 'dummy'! No wonder I couldn't hear anything!


Windows / Re: bug zero/current frame tim...
Last post by scscorpin - May 24, 2024, 04:45:54 PM
Я определил баг при использовании vlc, там используется Direct3D11, поэтому там всё нормально воспроизводится, то есть баг в DXVA2

DXVA2 смещает кадровую длительность на один кадр

в mpc как и в Avidemux используется DXVA2, но когда в LAV использую NVIDIA CUVID, то в mpc всё нормально

а как в Avidemux переключить аппаратное ускорение на Direct3D11 или NVIDIA CUVID?

(google translate)
I identified a bug when using vlc, it uses Direct3D11, so everything plays fine there, that is, a bug in DXVA2

DXVA2 shifts frame duration by one frame

in mpc, like in Avidemux, DXVA2 is used, but when I use NVIDIA CUVID in LAV, then everything is fine in mpc

How can I switch hardware acceleration to Direct3D11 or NVIDIA CUVID in Avidemux?
Unix-Like (Linux/Bsd/...) / Re: lost audio on Linux Mint
Last post by szlldm - May 24, 2024, 07:49:12 AM
Check Preferences/Audio/AudioDevice. It should be PulseAudio.
Also check system settings (Sound/Applications).
Unix-Like (Linux/Bsd/...) / lost audio on Linux Mint
Last post by ephemera - May 24, 2024, 01:31:57 AM

I'm a long-time user of Avidemux (current ver 2.8.1 & running on Linux Mint Cinnamon) for editing my videos. While I use it a lot, I'm far from a power user, for the most part using default settings except I change the saving format to MP4.

Yesterday everything was fine. Today, it won't play audio, even tho the videos I've brought in to edit are all fine. I can "see" the audio bouncing around in the bottom right corner graph, and my Audio Tracks Config setting says track 1 is enabled.

Any ideas on how to fix the issue? Googling hasn't been helpful.
Windows / Re: orio
Last post by szlldm - May 23, 2024, 04:54:21 PM
Reencoding is a heavy computational load, if done on the CPU, it could warm up a lot. Cleaning the heatsink and the fan might help a bit (i have assumed you have an older laptop bc of win7).
Reducing size naturally reduce sharpness (due to loss of details). Anyway make sure that all post processing options are disabled in the preferences.
Windows / orio
Last post by ORIO - May 23, 2024, 03:32:11 PM
Hi, I'm using win7 and the latest version of avidemux. When I try to reduce the size (i.e. the "weight") of a movie my laptop heats up very much - 85-90 C°! and the file loses a lot of sharpness.... how can I improve?
Windows / Re: can i add a small external...
Last post by Gew - May 23, 2024, 12:51:44 PM
Old thread, but still, "issue" or "feature request" remains strong, well at least on my behalf. Running latest Avidemux, appended clips are still put behind (at the end) of current video, and this cannot be changed by putting out cursor at a certain point or I-frame. I can, however, accomplish putting clips in the middle by (after first having it appended to the end) CTRL+X:ing / CTRL+V:ing (respectively) the appended part. This way I can save clips untouched (not re-encoded) á la stream copy. But it would be one step less if there was a way to just append the clip to my located cursor point. Can we totally forget about (stop wishing for) this feature to appear in upcoming versions, or is there hope?
Windows / Re: bug zero/current frame tim...
Last post by Geo_log - May 23, 2024, 12:23:41 PM
Quote from: scscorpin on May 22, 2024, 05:43:21 PMI'll paraphrase better
Can you just answer that question
Quote from: eumagga0x2a on May 20, 2024, 05:02:06 PMpost the ffmpeg command line used to generate the sample

The "jin_00552_1_edit.mkv" video is totally erroneous and cannot be repaired with even with the help of the famous VideoReDo tool.

Your MediaInfo and Avidemux are outdated.
Windows / Re: bug zero/current frame tim...
Last post by scscorpin - May 22, 2024, 05:43:21 PM
Я перефразирую лучше, в связи с тем, что слайдшоу делаю в python и, там много всего переплетено   

t = 6
r = 1/t
длительность показа кадра по формуле '-vf', f'fps={r*t}' получается 1 секунда, но так как '-r', f'{r}' равен 0.166 (1/t), поэтому показ такого кадра обязан длится 6 секунд

сейчас слайдшоу везде нормально воспроизводится, вообще идеально

но когда вставляю слайдшоу в видео_jin_00552_1 с точно такими же настройками, то после слайдшоу первый кадр из видео_jin_00552_1 стоит 1 одну секунду, потом нормально продолжается воспроизвидение

так происходит в Avidemux и в mpc, а в vlc и в youtube всё нормально


I'll paraphrase better, due to the fact that I make slideshows in python and there's a lot of stuff intertwined there   

r = 1/t
the duration of displaying a frame using the formula '-vf', f'fps={r*t}' is 1 second, but since '-r', f'{r}' is equal to 0.166 (1/t), therefore displaying such a frame must last 6 seconds

Now the slideshow plays normally everywhere, absolutely perfect

but when I insert a slideshow into video_jin_00552_1 with exactly the same settings, then after the slideshow the first frame from video_jin_00552_1 lasts 1 one second, then playback continues normally

this happens in Avidemux and mpc, but in vlc and youtube everything is fine

video with freeze frame after slideshow

media info and about programs versions